Illage and Spillage 1.2.7 Changelog:
- Twittollager's phone screen is now an emissive texture
- Fixed mod crashing servers on startup (again ;-;)
NOTE: Due to Twittollager changes, any resource pack that changed Twittollager's texture likely won't work anymore without some modifications
Illage and Spillage: Respillaged 1.2.6 Changelog
General Changes:
- Igniter's flamethrower glows more and more red the closer it is to overheating
- Igniter's flamethrower now emits smoke when close to overheating
- Igniter's torch now uses an emissive texture
- Igniter's fireballs and snowballs now actually look like they shoot out of the dispenser
- Added camera shake to Twittollager explosion
- Ragno can no longer take damage while Freakager is using anticheese attack
- Mobs not attacking bosses while their forcefields are up is now achieved using canAttack mixin (mobs won't target and untarget them constantly and is overall cleaner)
- Added Japanese localization
- Updated Chinese localization
- Updated Korean localization
- Whether or not an illager is a boss is now determined by an entity tag
- This means you can override it and add any other entities to the tag with a datapack like you would with a vanilla tag (the path is data/illageandspillage/tags/entity_types/illager_bosses.json)
- Entities that are considered bosses will be ignored by other bosses' forcefields and will have their name displayed on the raid bossbar (if the bossbar display is set to 3 in the config)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Igniters not being able to shoot fireballs at crazy Ragnos
- Fixed Hinder heal sound sometimes not working
- Fixed hay armor visual disappearing if the player dies or closes the world
- Fixed weird things with raiders attacking engineer machines and each other sometimes
- Fixed bossbars not disappearing if boss bar mode is set to 1 and the boss joins a raid
- Fixed Old Freakager and Old Magispeller being able to regain their forcefields after their fights have begun
NOTE: Due to the Igniter changes, any resource packs that change igniter's texture likely won't work anymore without some modifications
Illage and Spillage: Respillaged 1.2.5 Changelog:
- Changed how boss' bossbars are displayed; There are different modes to choose from in the config but by default, when only bosses remain in the raid, the bossbar name and health changes into the bosses'
- Added config option for whether or not bossbars should darken the sky when displayed (like the Wither)
- Actually fixed server crash (it was tested this time lol)
- Fixed Preserver sometimes making hay baling particles when it shouldn't
- Udated Spanish localization
Illage and Spillage: Respillaged 1.2.4 Changelog:
- Fixed Ragno's AI breaking if Freakager uses anticheese attack while Ragno is using an attack
- Hopefully fixed mod crashing on server startup (thanks to min_01 for some help with this one)
- Updated Toki Pona localization
Illage and Spillage: Respillaged 1.2.3 Changelog
~ General Additions & Changes:
- Added a config option for mobs Totem of Banishment can banish
- Added a config option for the max amount of machines Engineer can build
- Added config options for each boss' max health
- Added ULTIMATE NIGHTMARE mode. Isn't really working properly and is performance intensive; use at your own peril
- Reorganized the config file to be sorted by each mob
- Added Russian localization
- Added Korean localization
- Added Toki Pona localization
- Updated Spanish localization
~ Mob Changes:
- Engineer's unit build cooldown no longer ticks down if he has the max amount of units deployed (so he won't instantly build another machine after one gets destroyed)
- Reduced amount of arrows Chagrin Sentry needs to fire before overheating
- Hay bale armor visual now uses render layer instead of separate entity (way cleaner and less buggy)
- Increased healing rate of Hinder
- Several mob sounds now actually emit from and follow the mob they originate from
~ Freakager & Ragno Changes:
- Added new Freakager attack that is only used if he gets stuck inside something or in water (mainly meant to counter some cheese methods for phase 1). Freakager will also use this attack if dismounted from ragno
- Increased scythe hitbox size
- Removed Freakager projectile resistance
- Freakager now receives less damage from all sources when Ragno is not stunned
- Funnybones' bones are now the same color as they are
- Reduced Funnybone health
- Reduced Trick or Treat health
- Reduced Ragno health
- Minions can now be affected by Freakager/Ragno's attacks
- Improved webbed effect layer texture
- Improved axe and scythe models (they no longer look like 8 sheets of paper)
- Freakager can now attack baby villagers
- Eyesores are now a little bit more alarmed when Ragno finally snaps
- Ragno now attacks all mobs when insane
- Reduced Ragno's stun health when above half health during phase 2
- Ragno's grab now has a longer windup time
~ Misc Changes:
- Magispeller now uses attacks based on their actual ranges (before every attack was either any range or point blank)
- Spellbound Execution music disc texture has been overhauled
~ Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Crocofang charge sound not being interrupted if it gets stunned
- Fixed Crocofang looking at its target while charging
- Fixed Funnybones' bones not being blockable by shields
- Fixed Old Freakager, Old Ragno, and Old Magispeller not being in the raiders tag
- Fixed Old Freakager, Old Ragno, and Old Magispeller missing loot tables
- Fixed one of the Trick or Treats using the wrong particles
- Fixed Ragno being able to take damage during phase transition
- Fixed Ragno being able to burrow into the air
- Ragno's grab now uses entity mounting (way cleaner and less buggy than old method)
- Fixed camera shaking weirdly when game is paused and there's a camera shake nearby
- Possibly some other minor tweaks/fixes I don't remember off the top of my head
Questions? Suggestions? Want to follow development progress? Join the Discord!
Illage and Spillage: Respillaged 1.2.2 changelog
Freakager & Ragno:
- Added additional sounds to phase transition
- Slightly modified how the phase transition theme works
- Added config option for webbed screen overlay
Bug Fixes:
- Hopefully fixed the new server crash
- Hopefully fixed a random elusive crash involving Freakager
Illage and Spillage: Respillaged 1.2.1 Changelog:
Added Old Freakager. You can add it to the boss randomizer in the config or /summon it
Added Chinese localization
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Freakager being able to be on fire during the phase transition
Fixed jumpscare config option not working
Hopefully fixed crash on servers (let me know if this actually worked)
Slight adjustments to the jumpscare
Illage and Spillage: Respillaged 1.2.0 Changelog
A few notes:
- As of this update, this mod has been renamed to "Illage and Spillage: Respillaged" since this is no longer just a port and there's now plans to add new mobs.
- A 1.19.2 backport of the 1.1.0 update is considered since it had a lot of crucial fixes but a 1.2.0 backport will NOT happen. This update took quite a bit of time to make so please respect our decisions if older versions will no longer get content updates.
- Please be sure to give us feedback on the Freakager Rework in terms of difficulty of the fight in the Curseforge comments so we can do whatever is best for it
- Added the Engineer, an illager that can't actually attack on its own but it will run around the village building 3 different units to help the Illagers: the Chagrin Sentry, the Hinder, and the Factory
~ Massive Freakager Changes:
Freakager has a new model and texture
Added the Eyesore, an eyeball the Freakager will throw out that slithers around erratically
Added the Funnybone, a miniature skeleton the Freakager will throw out that throw bones and laugh at you
Added a new attack: Axe Barrage. Used when Freakager is below half health
Freakager has new animations for all of its attacks, the intro, and death (phase transition)
Revamped Freakager's scythe texture
Touched up Freakager's Trick or Treat textures
Freakager now aims the scythe at his target instead of his target's feet.
Scythe now returns to Freakager if the mob it's chasing dies
Improved Freakager's throwing axes. They now explode in a small area when they make impact.
~ Massive Ragno Changes:
Ragno now has a much better looking model and texture
Ragno now tries to hit you away if you get too close when Freakager is still alive
Ragno will jump randomly when either it or Freakager is under half health
Webbed effect can no longer be removed with milk
Added a new attack: Web Net. Ragno will spit a web to pull its target in
Added a new attack: Mutation Breath. Ragno will try to grab its target and spray mutation substance all over them
Ragno has new animations for all of its attacks and death
Ragno can be stunned in both phases when it blocks enough damage
Ragno now enters an even more crazed state when under half health where several attacks change
The Villager Soul now actually jumpscares the player
~ General Changes:
Mobs webbed by Ragno visually appear to be covered in webs
Webbed effect has a screen overlay for players
Trick or Treat now has localization
~ Item Changes:
Scythe thrown by the Bag of Horrors will now chase the first mob it hits for a while
The Totem of Banishment, Spellbound Book, Bag of Horrors, and the Arachnophobia music disc textures have been majorly updated
Slightly updated the Spellbound Execution music disc texture
Updated Freakager's Mutation Potion Texture
~ Bug Fixes:
Fixed the Spiritcaller music disc playing the old version of its boss theme.
Fixed some mobs' headwear items (ominous banners in most cases) not rotating properly when the mob wearing it performs an animation
Fixed Scythe shooting out of the bag of horrors at a very fast rate
Fixed haybale entities being able to get stuck in boats
Fixed Freakager being stuck eternally waiting for his scythe if it despawns
Fixed Ragno being immune to /kill while burrowing
Fixed Crocofangs causing crashes when celebrating during a lost raid
Fixed Twittollager's "canExplodeInfinitely" nbt tag being misspelled as "canExplodeInfinetly"
Fixed the Villager Soul not playing the jumpscare sound after flying towards an entity when Ragno dies
Many other minor fixes and tweaks that we couldn't think off the top of our heads.
~ Other:
- Removed Misperller
Illage and Spillage: Respillaged 1.2.0 Update Credits:
Code - TheDarkPeasant, Yellowbross Productions Models - Yellowbross Productions, JoTurtleGuy, lol_3463555, Itz_BlueJacob Textures - Yellowbross Productions, JoTurtleGuy, Itz_BlueJacob, lol_3463555, maedus, Mich705 Animations - Yellowbross Productions, JoTurtleGuy, lol_346555 Sounds - Yellowbross Productions, TheDarkPeasant
Illage and Portage 1.1.0 Changelog
Added Old Magispeller back along with raid wave config options (can only be spawned otherwise through commands)
Added Boss Music for Magispeller, Spiritcaller, and Freakager. All composed by Yellowbross Productions.
Added 3 New Boss Music Discs. How you obtain them is a mystery. Textures made by Mich705
Added a few new Illage and Spillage themed Advancements
Gave Illage and Spillage its own Creative Tab for better organization
Added 2 new NBT tags for the Twittolager (IsAngry and CanExplodeInfinetly)
~ General Changes:
Events are now registered in a different way. Hopefully this finally fixes raiders not spawning on servers.
Mobs now automatically aggro to a pumpkin bomb's owner instead of the bomb itself (mob battle compat)
Misconduction's Illager Souls now only work if your damage output is melee damage
Mobs now run away and watch bosses do their intros
~ Ragno Changes:
You can now hit Ragno in Creative mode without it blocking your attacks
Ragno in phase 1 now chases its target down if they're far away
~ Spiritcaller Changes:
Reworked the anti-cheese. If it gets stuck, it has a more effective and much more deadly way of getting free
Made the intro and death explosions a bit more impactful
Added screenshakes for the various explosions throughout the fight
Slight improvement on Imps (their spawning shows a gradual pattern instead of all at once)
~ Magispeller Changes:
Magispeller can no longer use Crashager or Kaboomer if already riding an entity
Magispeller can no longer take damage when inactive
Improved mobs staring at Magispeller's death animation performance-wise
~Bug Fixes:
Fixed Absorber not wobbling when he walks
Fixed Magispeller being immune to /kill while using heal
Fixed Magispeller heal (the entity) being affected by potion effects
Fixed magispeller_distractEnemies config option not actually disabling when set to false
Fixed Ragno leap oversight (Ragno now resets itself automatically if the leap has gone on for over 5 seconds)
Fixed Illager souls being able to mount boats
- Added a couple of easter eggs only a fool could ever stumble across...
- Removed Herobrine
Initial Release