- Button being misplaced with other mods adjusting inventory screen position
- Disable Experimental caching due to issues with desyncing data causing various issues with YIGD and more
- Button being misplaced with other mods adjusting inventory screen position
- Disable Experimental caching due to issues with desyncing data causing various issues with YIGD and more
- Add support for adjusting if a entity should freeze
Bug fix update for lower TPS due to logger creation for every attribute builder
Adjust Accessories Experimental screen to allow for more datapackablity to the various background textures for both Darkmode and Lightmode. Dose come with a slight performance increase in rendering time as well for the given screen.
Fixes for cache resetting when already empty or mismatch between inventory and cache values
Fix issues related to crashing with enchantments and various problems where enchantment attributes were not being detected
Bug fix update for lower TPS due to logger creation for every attribute builder
Bug fix update for crashing due to certain entities having a inability to find a elytra leading to a method getting a internal equipslot