Version 1.18
- The mod is now available for Forge 1.19.2
- The Bone Crawler now has a new fresh model
Version 1.17
- ''Seek Light'' warning which appears when in the Deep Void for the first time and disapears afterward
- ''SeekLightWarning'' gamerule, located in the player tab. True by default
- Shatterbone Pickaxe
- Cracked Bedrock
Version 1.16
- ''SpawnCultTemple'' gamerule, located in the misc tab. True by default
- Players can now ride Wanderers. When riding a Wanderer, the Player will be given the Void's Blessing effect
- Wanderers now spawn less frequently
- Changed the Stalker Count from 15 seconds to 20 seconds
Version 1.15
- Wanderer
- Being below y=-48 no longer gives the Player the darkness effect
Version 1.15
- Wanderer
- Being below y=-48 no longer gives the Player the darkness effect
Version 1.15
- Wanderer
- Being below y=-48 no longer gives the Player the darkness effect
Version 1.14
- Jumpscares now add 200 points to the Nightmare count
- The Nightmare count now goes up to 4000 points instead of 8000
- Void Watchers now add 1 point to the Nightmare count every tick when watched
- Changed the Void Cloak recipe
- The Nightmare couldn't spawn before, now it can
- The Eye Of The Deep now alerts the player of the Nightmare, it works the same as with the Stalker
- The Nightmare cannot spawn if the Player is in Creative or in Spectator
- The Nightmare now is guaranteed to drop 5 Void Matter upon death
Version 1.13 (FINALLY BACK !!)
- Flesh Cave
- Flesh block
- Pustulent Flesh Block
- Pus Flower
- Tendrils
- Teeth
- Eye Vine with different eye colors
- Pus Sack
- Spore Spewer
- Flesh Cube
- Desolate Cave
- Desolate Soil
- Desolate Growth
- Desolate Stem
- Voidlight
- Desolate Lichen
- Void Watcher
- Void Matter
- Void Cloak
- Pus Ball
- Void Lens
- Void Vision
- Grim Shard
- Grim Gem
- Grim Rotten Bone Armor
- Grim Smithing Template
- Grim Scythe
- Eye Shield
- Cave Collapses
- Deepslate Pebble Particle
- Pus Spore Particle
- ''Does It Hate ?'' advancement
- ''Feeling Watched'' advancement
- When hallucinating and breaking blocks, there is a small chance to play the sound of a broken block next to the player in a random area
- Stalker will no longer move when looked at unless it is close to the player
- Changed the sound the stalker makes when summoning the Invisible Hands
- Added slow deep heartbeats for 100 ticks and 200 ticks on the Stalker Count
- The Eye Of The Deep will no longer display a number in chat, instead it will play slower and slower heartbeats the closer the Stalker is to spawning
- The Stalker Treat reduces the Stalker Count by more and the cooldown is reduced
- Changed some recipes
- The Nightmare will no longer spawn by itself when under y=0, instead it will spawn only if the Player is jumpscared too many times.
- Jumpscares now add 100 points to the Nightmare Count
- Some Advancements now grant the Player every recipe related to the advancement
Additions :
Lavendite, Lavendite Ore, Lavendite Smithing Upgrade, Lavendite Shield, Block Of Lavendite, ''Speed; It's Over 9000!!'' advancement, ''Is It Amethyst ?'' advancement
Changes :
The Eye Of The Deep will now make the Abductors in a 300 block radius glow
Additions :
doPlayerTeleportInVoid gamerule
Changes :
Changed the Eye Of The Deep recipe; The Eye Of The Deep can now detect if an Abductor is nearby