Version 1.68
- Bone Loaf
- Rotten Delight
- Big Overseer (3 blocks pillar)
- New Rotten Bone Armor description
- Stalker Treats can now be thrown to distract the Stalker
- Made some mobs more intelligent
- Soul Lights will now break unless configured to not break
Version 1.67
- New Abductor ambient sound
- Bone blocks will now slow down the Player a bit more
- Eyekins now spawn more rarely
- Fixed some walking animations not playing
- The Call Of The Void effect will no longer teleport the Stalker if there are no solid blocks under the Player when the effect ends
The mod now requires Geckolib !
Version 1.66
- Animations for most entities
- Scourge Of Flesh enchantment (Makes weapons deal more damage to Fleshkins)
- Added Fleshkin tag
- Endless Quiver
- Eyekin
- New Overseer model
- The Overseer can no longer be ridden
- New Devourer model
- New Everhunger model
- New Flesh Cube texture
- New Licker model
- Changes to how Call Of The Void works
Version 1.63 Additions:
- Sacred Cinnabar
- Robe Of The Weaver Of Souls
- Gods' Scourge
- Sacred Voidrium Armor
- ''Thousand Year Old Salami'' advancement