ima stop making stuff for older versions i cant be bothered to update em due to the differences in how everything is read :P but anyway,
- fixed enchanting table lapis slot being 1 pixel off
- changed experience bar to not look so terrible
- added crafter ui (it looks horrible thanks mojang, seriously why did you make that arrow look so damn terrible why not just put the entire damn arrow in there its not hard why did you just put in like the textured bits jesus christ man its like you want us to suffer)
- TWM-fied tooltips! yippee!
- TWM-fied Advancements! :D
- fixed the little thingsâ„¢
- a tiny lil change to the inventory
- oh, also added miscellaneous things
Fixed Smithing Table Hammer
The Lang Updateâ„¢
+lang en_us
added a bunch of colors to attributes like potions and damage/armor.
Jade Compatibility 
Now on 1.21! i had to read the documentation for it -.-
Improved Jade Compatibility
(i gave it a name)
Made hotbar selector yellow to make it more noticeable.
BackSlot Compatibility
Made hotbar selector yellow to make it more noticeable.
+Hunger Bars
+Hardcore Hearts
+Empty Armor Slots
Slight changes to world select to make it more in line with the rest of the buttons.
1 color change to the accessibility button
Experience bar no longer Kolos colored