Traditional Chinese 24w14potato 繁體中文資源包
Translate 24w14potato's new content into Traditional Chinese 將24w14potato新增的內容翻譯成繁體中文
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Traditional Chinese 24w14potato
Translate April Fool's Day snapshot 24w14potato into Traditional Chinese.
Items/blocks/entitys/advancements/Gui/quests/subtitles and most new content.
Contains translation of text that fell into the void from potato dimension.
See more image in gallery 查看更多圖片在圖庫
Translated content will give priority to Minecraft Wiki translations to facilitate players to compare information during play.
Some content use machine translate. If there are any translation errors, please report it on Discord.
翻譯內容優先使用Minecraft Wiki的譯名,以方便玩家遊玩時對照資料。
How to install? 如何安裝?
Just like a normal resource pack, but the game language must be set to "Traditional Chinese (Taiwan)" before it can be successfully applied.
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