- Tweaks Fence Inventory models.
- Fix torch in inventory is smaller than before.
- Fix Brewing Stand item missing particle.
- Fix Filled Cauldron is using wrong texture.
- Fix texture missing, again.
- Button Inventory model modifies, again.
- Remove unused models.
- Tweaks Fence Inventory models.
- Optimize Custom Fence Gate models.
- Fix Repeater item model errors.
- Button Inventory model changes.
- Move more files to full version.
- Fix item display missing.
- Add
inside of overlay to make it works.
- Update pack format.
- Rename the overlay folders.
- Some patches.
- Move some files to overlays.
- Re-added missing Shadeless End Rod.
- ×
-> √supported_formats
- Rename as "Resource Fixes"
- ...
Note: lite version is now in Files.
- Correction Spawner and Vault UV (now mirrored from back).
- Remove (Redstone) Torch, Dragon Egg, Small Dripleaves, Comparator, Repeater. Mojang Studios fix them in 1.21.2.
- Remove lectern because it basically affects nothing.
- Modify the button in inventory model to match vanilla style.
- Move Shadeless Lantern to Full version.
- Fix errors with RespackOpts (tested in 1.21.3).
- Format some files with Blockbench.
- Remove pack.mcmeta filter
- Synchronizing files of two versions
- Remove Candles & Cake no ambient occlusion
- Now rail 1 pixel (y = 1/16 block) height
- Ambient occlusion is enabled again for bell floor, extinguished campfire, grindstone (it's a bit dark but maybe is WAI).
- Update pack format to 34.
- Cull vault, heavy core downside.
- Remove left hand fix because it's mirroring custom texture like text.
- Remove more Respackopts options may not used
- Experimental, may have changes in future.
- Feature list is rewriting.
- Fix #3, #4.
- MC-226453 Potted Azalea is incorrectly shaded when smooth lighting is enabled
- MC-262694 Inner planes of azaleas are shaded
- MC-262695 Inner planes of potted azaleas are shaded
- MC-262696 Potted mangrove propagules appear darker than they should due to shading not being disabled
- MC-267895 Anvil's texture is mapped very strangely
- MC-224392 Big dripleaves are rendered too dark when blocks are placed adjacent to them while smooth lighting is enabled
- MC-236374 Chains are rendered too dark when blocks are placed adjacent to them while smooth lighting is enabled
- MC-262598 Tripwire textures in the tripwire hook "attached: true" state have a wrong black rendering when the tripwire hook is attached to a non-transparent block
- MC-234089 Lightning rods are rendered too dark when blocks are placed adjacent to them while smooth lighting is enabled
- MC-234087 Extinguished campfires are rendered too dark when blocks are placed adjacent to them while smooth lighting is enabled
- Make the item model of Nether Sprouts matches Amethyst Bud
- MC-214625 Unlit redstone torches are unaffected by block shading / are evenly lit on all sides
- MC-172852 Doors aren't affected by ambient occlusion/smooth lighting
- Bell ambient occlusion is disabled
- (Readded) Button item model tweaks
- Fix a bug in lever_on.json
- Updated version
- Re-upload because isn't fix well