- fixed error when using /team
- added an option to change the shown text in placeholders when a player is not in a team
i didn't fully test this version, so please report any issue on GitHub page
fixed database realted issues
fixed huskhomes hook not working
- permission to overwrite maxwarps per player (ultimateteams.max_warps.<number>)
- option to stack fixed warp limit with permissions limit (so a limit of 2 in the config, and a player permission limit of 3 equals 5 warps for that player)
- option not to log the wipe invites task
- fixed on the databases handler
- fixed bstats not working correctly
You need to regenerate your config for this version
Recoded database, added support for MariaDB (now using the right driver), H2 (that is now preferred over SQLite) and PostgreSQL
i haven't fully tested this version, so before updating wait for the release version or try it on a test server.
you have to regenerate your config.
i also fixed other minor issues, but they will be specified in the next release
- Added a dedicated check for spaces in teams name, closing #23
You need to regenerate your messages file after this update, or simply add this line:
team-name-contains-space: "&3Sorry but, since it contains a space, &6%TEAM% &3is a &cBANNED &3name!\n&3Please choose another!"
under team-name-is-banned
- fixed %TEAMPREFIX% placeholder not showing the new team prefix when using /team prefix command
- folia support
- /team leave not saving changes
- spam while using sqlite
- ability to create a team with space in the name, breaking commands
- TeamAdminDisbandSubCommand missing check to see if a team exist
- command syntaxt when using a command wrongly
- Teleport cooldown while using huskhomes
- other minor issues
This is a major version that fixes a lot of bugs, and i haven't been able to fully test it, so please report any issue to the github page you can see linked in the links
Thanks to @toidicakhia for the database recode and folia fix
- Added a broadcast message to all team members when someone leaves
If you have any suggestion please file an issue on GitHub or contact me on Discord!
you should regenerate your config and message files, or you have to manually add:
team-left-broadcast-chat: "&3The player &6%PLAYER%&3 has left your team!"
team-leave. announce: true
- fixed a bug that prevented both teams to be updated in the database when you add/remove an ally/enemy
- fixed a bug that made possible to have the same team as ally and enemy
- fixed a bug that made possible to have the same team as ally/enemy more than one time
- added more checks when you invite a player to prevent errors
- added more checks when you disband a team to prevent errors
Because of the recent update to the invite/join commands, you should update these two lines in the messages.yml file to match the new commands
line 48: team-invited-player-invite-pending: "&3You have been invited to a team by &6%TEAMOWNER% &3- use /team invite accept"
line 216: line-4: "/team invite accept/deny/send <player>"
- fixed some tasks regarding team operations
- fixed the teamadmin disband command
- fixed the kick command (can now be used even if the player to kick isn't online)
- removed /team join, use now /team invite accept
- added the commands /team invite deny/send
- updated the permissions, see the plugin description
- fixed some errors with ally team
- fixed the cooldown with home and warps
- updated the tab complete for some commands
- marked the plugin as folia compatible, so it can now be loaded normally
you should regenerate your messages.yml file, but if you won't, you can also add these lines under the team invite messages:
team-invite-deny-failed-no-invite: "&3Failed to deny invite - you don't have an active invite."
team-invite-denied: "&3Invite successfully denied."
team-invite-deny-fail: "&3Failed to deny the invite."
There are some minor known issues currently, an update is coming very soon to fix those issues, for now, if you have any problem open an issue on github and support will be given
Please report any issue on GithHub
- fixed invite wipe task
- fixed some issues with team allies and enemies
- fixed an issue that happened while deleting a team with allies/enemies
- added support for 1.20/1.20.1
- stop fetching player if he is already in the cache
- removed debug messages for database operations
- added teamchat
- disabled friendly fire for team allies
- added metrics with bstats
- added confirmation for /team disband
- the console can now use the /team info command
- added permissions for the subcommands
- added HuskHomes hook
- Removed SQLite debug messages
- Fixed bug in tabcomplete handler
- added SQLite
- added Team Warps