- Fixed marker armor stands not being parsed correctly in legacy versions.
- Fix armor stand (including small armor stand) hitboxes
- Fix falses caused by Armor stands with the marker NBT tag which can be hit through in vanilla.
- New Packet Ordering checks (currently no known falses, but please report any issues!)
- Detects
- some superknockbacks
- ncp noslow (with setback)
- switch noslow (with setback)
- some bad keypearls
- some bad autoblocks
- Adds new inventory interact checks
- Stops players from using inventory and sprinting/sneaking.
- Stops players from using crafting grid as extra storage
- Stops most inventory related hacks
- Known Issues (1.8.9 only)
- InventoryG falses when sprinting or sneaking and opening inventory
- Inventory* falses with twitch button
- InventoryE falses when the server sets the clients slot
- Fix falses in LOSP.
- Much more difficult to false breaking and placing short grass and other instant break blocks in same tick.
- Fix false from igniting tnt
- Fix compatability with standalone PacketEvents plugin
- Filters out Arrows, Fishing Rod Bobbers, and Marker Armor stands from blocking ray trace hits. (Vanilla players hit through these entities)
- Adds new highly experimental reach check that checks if an entity is blocking target. Prevents players from hitting a target through other entities.
- Currently known to false when player is fighting large horde of mobs. Likely other falses exist. Unknown cause.
- Add new config option to skip reach checks on non-player target entities https://github.com/Axionize/LightningGrim/issues/1
- Update upstream (Java 17 changes removed. This version still supports Java 8)
- We still recommend you update to Java 17. If you are running a 1.8 server use PandaSpigot or a fork that of spigot that supports Java 17
- Fix short grass related falses on 1.8
A temporary custom build meant to fix
- https://github.com/Axionize/LightningGrim/issues/3
- https://github.com/Axionize/LightningGrim/issues/5 Until packetevents merges new changes
- Fix changes that broke 1.8 support.
- Note that grasses can still cause falses in 1.8 due to a packetevents bug. Waiting for the fix to be merged. https://github.com/retrooper/packetevents/pull/1053
- Fix potential scaffolding false
- Enable place checks against scaffolding - extensively tested, please report any bugs
- Fix scaffolding for pre-1.14 players (via replacement is hay bale)
- Fix Cauldron Hitboxes
- Move Spore Blossom, Frogspawn, and Sculk Vein/Glow Lichen box from Collision -> Hitbox (it has no collision)
- Fix Sculk Vein hitboxes
- Make Sculk Vein and Glow Lichen for pre-1.17 players (via translates as air which is no collision)
- Make Fix Spore BLossom hitbox for pre-1.17 players (via translates as Peony hitbox which is full block)
- Make Decorated Pot hitbox for pre-1.19.4 players (via translates as Brick block which is obviously full block)
- Fix Sculk Shrieker hitbox for all versions and collision box for pre 1.18.2
- Fix Frogspawn hitbox for pre-1.19
- Fix Sniffer eggs for pre-1.20
- Fix Pitcher crop for pre-1.20
- Fix Weeping Vines + Weeping Vines Plant modeled wrong
- Fix Weeping + Twisted Vines + Weeping + Twisted Vine Plants for pre 1.16 players (via replacement is 4 sided vine)
- Fixed interactions on inside of Cauldron, Hopper, Composter, and (not used but implemented) Scaffolding
- Removed unneeded NoCollision Collision data
- Fixed Pink Petals Hitbox + Collision Boxes
- Update upstream
- Fix dead coral falses on line of sight checks
Update Upstream
Reloading rework, allows you to have per player configurations & other things, doesn't cover every option yet
Re-adds support for Java 8. Java 8 support will be kept alive for as long as possible even as upstream removes it.
- Improved performance
- Fixed BadPacketsZ false
- Fixed MultiPlace false
- Fixed Improper attribute calculations