🗂️ KmTab Support WaterFall!!
👑 KmTab Support WaterFall!! ( Inspiration MCCHAMPIONS ) Make Plugin For FriendsCraft Official.
🪟 Link
- Download the latest build from Releases page. You will need github account to download.
🧪 Supported platforms:
- Spigot, Paper, Purpur (all known spigot-forks)
- Bungeecord, Waterfall (to use the plugin in bungee server)
- Java 11 and higher versions
- Supports Minecraft versions 1.19-1.19.3+
⚙️ Configuration/Permissions
- Configure what information will be shown using display configs (located in /plugins/KmTab/config.yml/)
- No Permissions for settins plugin, owner or server operator can config this onlyone.
🌍 Reload config command
- Command: /kmtab reload
🧑💻 Maven
Click to view
🪲 Bug report/feature request
If you find a bug or you want a feature to be added, please make an issue here: https://github.com/PPekKunGz/KmTab-WaterFall/issues/new
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