- Ignore non player entites (eg NPCs) in worldguard expansion
- Handle kelp the same way as sugar_cane, bamboo, cactus
- Fix auto save not rescheduling itself properly when there are no data to save in one cycle
- Throw on empty command in CommandDispatcher
New stuff
- Add /aurora debug blockremove to force unregister player placed block
- Builders for ItemConfig
- Add /stash view <player>
- Skip paper plugin remapping
- Change the way permission rewards save the new permission
- Apply empty attribute map instead of iron sword default to items when HIDE_ATTRIBUTES flag is used
- Fix economy expansion not loading when Vault is not present
- Conditional lore option for items
- New: Items registered through
/aurora registeritem <id>
now can be used both ways id -> item and item -> id - Fixes various issues with Eco plugins in item resolvers
- Compile against 1.21.4
- You can now use
on every menu/reward/etc item (required 1.21.4+)
AuroraLib 2.0.0
Block tracker
With this version the old block tracker implementation will be dropped and the new one will take its place. This will use way less storage and it is way more performant.
This change was needed since the old solution haven't really worked well on servers that has a lot of active players building. Now the information will be synced with the chunk on the chunk persistent data container with a very minimal storage overhead
What does that mean for you?
The tracking information for the already placed blocks will be lost. This means that players can increase their collection/quest progression with those blocks. In reality, this almost doesn't matter and won't cause an issues. Newly placed blocks will behave as before. For example if you place a sugar cane, then break it, you still won't progress your collections/quests just like before.
I'm sorry if this causes some inconvenience for you, but the impact should be minimal and negligible. Thanks for understanding.
If you use this build, you need to update AuroraQuests as well to the latest build.
- Some more utils
- Some more menu APIs
- Fix minor sound issues in CommandDispatcher
This release adds many new features/APIs, improvements, and bug fixes.
New features
- Rework economy interface to support multiple currencies
- Added new economy providers
- Current list of supported economy providers: Vault, Essentials, CMI, PlayerPoints, CoinsEngine, EcoBits, EliteMobs, RoyaleEconomy, RoyaleEconomyBank
- Both CommandDisptacher, MoneyReward and [money] menu requirement supports these new economies and currencies
- Cache player profiles when creating skull items
- HeadDatabase support for Item resolvers
- Stash commands and APIs now handle larger amounts than the maximum stack size of the item.
Bug fixes
- Fix legacy color code replacer
&n -> <underlined>
- Fix custom GUIs title placeholder not including args
- Fix AuroraMenu free slots API (for 3rd party plugins wanting to implement something like a backpack)
- Don't build the actual item if the material is air in ItemBuilder
This release adds many new features/APIs, improvements, and bug fixes.
New features
- Fully customizable GUI framework. Create as many custom menus as you wish with the full power of AuroraLib item resolvers, command dispatcher, and requirement manager. All of these also have an extendable API for developers
- ItemsAdder item support (meaning every aurora plugin can now use
) - Command dispatcher now supports
- Item stash menu and commands! Now every Aurora plugin can use this stash to put item rewards into it for example. It also has a straightforward API for other plugin developers to hook into.
- You can now register items that you are currently holding and use them in menus/item rewards like
- Cache skin URLs extracted from base64 strings
- Reworked the command system, so now you have better tab completions and fully translatable messages for everything
- More permissions to allow greater control over who can do what
Bug fixes
- Now if you mess up your YAML syntax in config, your files won't be changed/erased by config migration steps
- Fixed click handling of menus