- minor bugfixes
- some bugfixes
- fixed a critical error causing a crash
- fixed some errors causing crashes
- minor bug fixes
- playtested
- -removed LazyDUI
- +EBE
- +CIT Respawn
- +animatica
- +remove loading screen
- +e4mc
- +chipped
- +make bubbles pop
- +visual workbench
- +stendhal
- fixed some errors causing crashes and other bugs
+++bugfixes +++play testing
+++bugfixes +++playtesting +++GUI changes
+++new mods +++QoL changes +++play testing
One of the bigger updates again
- +++New mods for more content
- ++QoL changes
- +bugfixes and playtesting
+++bugfixes +++playtesting +++QoL changes
++Bugfixes ++Playtesting
HUGE 2024 UPDATE: The 1.20.4 Version
+++endless changes due to new version of minecraft
2024 Update
- QoL changes
- many bugfixes
- playtesting
-removed herobrine
++Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR)
++Shulker Box Tooltip
++Better Ping Display [Fabric]
++fixed some bugs
Added: ++Clutter ++Caffeinated ++Compost ++Herbs ++DaT Addons ++Geophillic ++Scorched ++Tidal Towns
Tweaks: new world gen.; UI fixed; some mods adjustments;
++new handcrafted GUI