✨ Beautifull effects - JEC Project enhances your Minecraft experience with numerous mods such as Falling Leaves, Particular and Particle Rain
🎤 Voice Chat - with Simple Voice Chat you can comunicate with your friends and strangers direcly in game
🏃 Armor Poser - customize your Armor stand with Armor Poser
♀️ Female Gender Mod - choose your appearance with the Female Gender Mod
QOL Mods
- Armor Hud
- Axes Are Weapons
- Better Mount HUD
- Better Than Mending
- Easy Elytra Takeoff
- Elytra Chestplate 鞘翅胸甲
- Essential Commands
- Freecam
- Infinity Mending
- Jump Over Fences
- Leash Villager
- Reacharound
- Safe Infecting
- Server Sleep
- Skin Shuffle
- FallingTree
- Too Cheap!
- Trade Cycling
- Xaero's Minimap
- Zoomify
...and few more
- Chunky
- Dynamic FPS
- Entity Culling
- FerriteCore
- ImmediatelyFast
- Indium
- Krypton
- Lithium
- Memory Leak Fix
- ModernFix
- Sodium
- spark
...and few more
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Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
Licensed Apache-2.0
Published 3 weeks ago
Updated last month