- Updated Architectury API, Better Mount HUD, Cloth Config API, Entity Culling, Entity Texture Features, Fabric API, Fabrishot, FerriteCore, Language Reload
- Updated Fabric Loader to 0.13.1
- Updated FO version label's/MultiMC notes' link
- Disabled some potentially conflicting tweaks on TieFix
See an error about "cloth-client-events-v0.mixins.json"? This is known, simply launch again until I find a fix.
3.2.0 (2022-01-31)
New mods
- Entity Texture Features - random and emissive mob textures!
- Zoomify - customizable zoom!
Removed mods
- WI Zoom - superseded by Zoomify
- Updated 'Slight' Gui Modifications, Architectury API, Fabric API, FastOpenLinksAndFolders, Sodium Extra, TieFix
3.1.0 (2022-01-25)
Even though MC 1.18.2 is coming soon, I now consider FO to be stable for MC 1.18.1 and I recommend you to update to it. Major changes compared to 2.7.0:
New mods
- Starlight - improves chunk performance, 75% preferred it in the public vote (1.0.0 stable version)
- Puzzle - adds some Optifine features like emissive mobs and resource pack-provided splash screen
- TieFix - disables telemetry (sending diagnostics data to Mojang) and fixes some bugs
Removed mods
- Phosphor - replaced with Starlight as a result of the public vote
- Hydrogen - deprecated, but FerriteCore already exists and has similar features
- Colormatic temporarily removed as it breaks with the new Sodium
- Between beta 2 and stable: updated Fabric API, Reese's Sodium Options
See an error about "cloth-client-events-v0.mixins.json"? This is known, simply launch again until I find a fix.
2.7.1 (2022-01-31)
- Updated FastOpenLinksAndFolders, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
2.7.0 (2022-01-19)
Individual shader settings can now be configured!
- Updated CIT Resewn, Fabric API, Iris Shaders, Not Enough Crashes
- Skipped Cloth API update as things broke
Older versions are available on CurseForge or GitHub.
1.12.1 (2022-01-31)
- Updated FastOpenLinksAndFolders, Reese's Sodium Options, Sodium Extra
1.12.0 (2022-01-19)
Individual shader settings can now be configured!
- Updated Architectury API, Cloth API, Iris Shaders, Not Enough Crashes