📢 Beauté offers a wonderful vanilla experience that makes your Minecraft worlds more vibrant, filled with amazing particles and stunning animations! Also includes QoL improvements!

• Includes all optimization tweaks from 🎯 Buulzai modpack.
🧩 Key Features:
- ✨ Pure vanilla. No added biomes, structures or mobs.
- 🤸🏾 Adds all required content for mob and player animations.
- 🤸🏽♀️ Offers a configured combination of the best animation mods and resourcepacks!
- 🫧 Adds many new and amazing particles to give more life to the whole minecraft world!
- ⛈️ Adds weather enhancements.
- 🪲 General bugfixes.
- 🎯 Performance tweaks/optimizations.
🧞 QoL Upgrades:
- 🌅 No more rushing during the day. Days last 20 minutes and nights 10 minutes.
- 🪨 Furnaces and smokers will have your items ready when you wake up.
- 🎥 Automatically change the camera view to third person when on boat, horse etc.
- 📗 Recipe Book will show each crafted item individually instead of grouped.
- 💯 Show damage done to your enemies as floating numbers.
- 🏕️ Campfires will heal you if you stay close enough.
- 🐴 Saddled horses won't wander.
- 🧹 Manage your inventory and containers. Sort / stack / take all.
- 🌲 Cut whole trees down. Not just block by block.
- 🛻 Actually see on your screen all the items you're picking up.
- 👩🏽🌾 Farms and trees will grow when it is rainning.
- 🎽 You can now see each item's trim on its own icon.
- 🗺️ Don't get lost again! A minimap so you have better orientation.
- 🛡️ A minimal armor hud on screen so you wont stay unprotected again on your journeys.
- 📕 Description on every enchantment book.
- ⁉️ Advancements will show requirements.
- 📌 Pin your favorite worlds.
- 🚪 Villagers will close doors behind them.
- 🌱 Plant seeds automatically from dropping seeds when harvesting.
- 📖 Flattened anvil and enchantment costs above level 30.
- 🔊 Fixed volume controls.
- ...and many more!!
Keeping it simple, light and beautiful!
ℹ️ Beauté includes resourcepacks to beautify and/or fix blocks and models, as well as an example resourcepack of
(Traben's) armors being 3D instead of just a layer which at the moment isn't compatible with mods or other armor resource packs.
Some more info about configurations:
Bedrockify & VanillaTweaks' resources
Bedrockify's configured to only have:
- Animal Eating Animations & Particles
- Sheared Sheep Colors
- Fire Aspect
- Elytra Tweaks
- Creative Drifting
- Reacharound Block Placement
- Fishing Bobber
'Panorama Screens' (mod packaged with BedrockIfy on 1.20.1) is "disabled", as a new panorama_overlay.png is added to the modpack's resourcepack.
VanillaTweaks resources
- 3D Bookshelves, Ladders, Doors etc
- Variated Block Textures
- Brighter Nether
- Foliage Improvements/Fixes
- Other improvements
More detailed:
- 3DBookshelves
- 3DChains
- 3DChiseledBookshelves
- 3DDoors
- 3DIronBars
- 3DLadders
- 3DMace
- 3DMushrooms
- 3DPointedDripstone
- 3DRails
- 3DStonecutters
- 3DSugarcane
- Age25Kelp
- AnimatedCampfireItem
- BetterParticles
- BrighterNether
- CircleLogTops
- CircularSunandMoon
- ClearBannerPatterns
- ConsistentDecorPot
- ConsistentSmoothStone
- DarkUI
- DoubleSlabFix
- DripleafFixBig
- DripleafFixSmall
- FancySunflowers
- FencierFences
- GoldenSavanna
- GroovyLevers
- HangingSignLogs
- MossCarpetOverhang
- PixelConsistentXPOrbs
- RandomCoarseDirtRotation
- RandomMossRotation
- RandomSunflowerRotation
- RedstoneWireFix
- ShorterGrass
- ShorterTallGrass
- SofterWool
- StickyPistonSides
- SuspiciousSandGravelBorders
- TallerSunflowers
- UniqueDyes
- VariatedBookshelves
- VariatedBricks
- VariatedCobblestone
- VariatedDirt
- VariatedEndStone
- VariatedGrass
- VariatedGravel
- VariatedLogs
- VariatedMushroomBlocks
- VariatedMycelium
- VariatedPlanks
- VariatedStone
- VariatedTerracotta
- VariatedUnpolishedStones
- VisualCauldronStages
- VisualComposterStages
- VisualHoney
- VisualSaplingGrowth
Credits / Mod List:
Performance / Fixes
- BadOptimizations by Thosea
- Dynamic FPS by juliand665, LostLuma
- Debugify by isXander
- Embeddium by embeddedt, jellysquid3
- Enhanced Block Entities by FoundationGames
- EntityCulling by tr7zw
- FerriteCore by malte0811
- ImmediatelyFast by RK_01
- Ksyxis by VidTu
- Lithium by JellySquid, 2No2Name
- ModernFix by embeddedt
- More Culling by FX - PR0CESS
- Noisium by Steveplays28
- Particle Core by fzzyhmstrs
- Sodium Extra by FlashyReese
- Sodium by @jellysquid3
- StutterFix by Wisecase2
- Reese's Sodium Options by FlashyReese
Textures / Models
- 3d-Skin-Layers by tr7zw
- Animatica by FoundationGames
- CIT Resewn by SHsuperCM
- Continuity by PepperCode1
- Custom Capes by EpicPix
- Entity Model Features by Traben
- Entity Pin Cushions by Traben
- Entity Texture Features by Traben
- Iris by coderbot, IMS212, Justsnoopy30, FoundationGames
- Model Gap Fix by Mehvahdjukaar
- NotEnoughAnimations by tr7zw
- Nyf's Spiders by Nyfaria
- Puzzle by PuzzleMC, Motschen
- Serious Player Animations by McVader
- WaveyCapes by tr7zw
Visuals / Particles
- Armortip by BMJO
- Bedrock Inventory Animations by Schauweg, Riflusso, 1Xayd1
- Better Clouds by Qendolin
- Boids
- Birds Boids by Tomate0613
- Bounced! by Kessoku Tea Time, KrLite
- Cave Dust by LizIsTired
- Chunks Fade In by Koteinik
- Dynamic Lights by Tschipcraft
- Eating Animation by theone_ss, spusik_, PinkGoosik, DoctorNight1
- Falling Block Particles by Enchanted Games
- Falling Leaves by Fourmisain, BrekiTomasson, RandomMcSomethin
- Firorize by RuffleSteels
- Glow squids actually glow by o-Peepo
- Glowing Torchflower by NikitaCartes
- Hide Hands by Rick South
- Highlight by ThatGravyBoat
- ImmersiveUI by OctoStudios
- Make Bubbles Pop by Tschipcraft
- Nocturnal Bats by Estecka
- Lootbeams
- Particle Moths by ThePoultryMan
- Particle Rain by PigCart
- Particular by Chai
- Real Arrow Tip by ToBinio
- Sakura Blossoms by Lua MacDougall
- Seamless by LarsMans
- Shoot Glass by AzureDoom
- Simple Snowy Fix by Apollo
- Snow! Real Magic! by Snownee
- Snow Under Trees by IMB11 (mineblock11), DeadlyMC, bl4ckscor3
- SnowyLeavesPlus by theRookieCoder
- Texturized Particles by LopyMine, KlashRaick
- Through the lily pads, gently by MoonFather
- View Bobbing Options by GravityIO
- Visuality by PinkGoosik
- Wakes by Goby56
- Cliff Face by boyonk
- MC-258859 by boyonk
QoL Upgrades
- Advancements Reloaded by @42atomys
- Auto Crouch by MrMelon54
- Auto Third Person by quaternary
- Better Advancements by way2muchnoise
- Better Combat by Daedelus
- Better Mount HUD by Lortseam
- Better Recipe Book by marshmallow
- Better Trees by EMD123
- BetterDays by wendall911
- Cherished Worlds by Illusive Soulworks
- Clean Tooltips by stal111
- Client Tweaks by BlayTheNinth
- Condensed Creative by Blodhgarm
- Continue Button by IMB11 (mineblock11), umollu
- Crops Love Rain
- Damageful by Zaksen_
- Dashboard by ThatGravyBoat
- Doors Closed by Estecka
- Double Doors by Rick South
- DurabilityPlus by ddeeddii
- Durability Viewer by Giselbaer, fanta
- DynamicTrim by Andrew6rant, Bawnorton
- Effect Descriptions by Fuzs
- EnchantmentDescriptions by Darkhax
- Falling Trees by The Panda Oliver
- Giselbaers Durability Viewer by Giselbaer
- Healing Campfire by Rick South
- Health Indicators by AdyTech99
- HorseBuff by CodeF53#0241
- idwtialsimmoedm by glisco
- Inventory Management by Roundaround
- Journeymap by Mysticdrew, Techbrew, MemeSapiens
- Jump Over Fences by kreezxil, Eleksploded, MeeniMc
- Leave My Bars Alone by Fuzs
- Persistent Creative Inventory by Snownee
- Persistent Inventory Search by Rick South
- Pick Up Notifier by Fuzs
- Pickup Notifications by Roundaround
- Rain Grow by Declipsonator
- Replanting Crops by Rick South
- Self-Care Hive by Estecka
- Stylish Effects by Fuzs
- Tax Free Levels by Fourmisain
- ThirdPersonBoating by Caoimhe Byrne
- Xaero's Minimap by xaero96
- Your Reputation by Aton-Kish
- Charmonium by svenhjol
- Drip Sounds by PieKing1215
- Presence Footsteps by Hurricaaane (Ha3), Sollace
- Volume Fix by Roundaround
Utils & required Libraries
- Architectury by shedaniel
- AzureLib by AzureDoom
- Balm by BlayTheNinth
- BedrockIfy by juancarloscp52, lonefelidae16
- Better Third Person by Socolio, DreenDex
- Bookshelf by Darkhax
- Cloth Config by shedaniel
- Collective by Rick South
- Cristel Lib by Cristelknight
- Default Options by BlayTheNinth
- Fabric API by FabricMC
- Fabric Language Kotlin by FabricMC
- Forge Config API Port by Fuzs
- Fzzy Config by fzzyhmstrs
- Jade by Snownee
- Kiwi Library by Snownee
- Log Begone by AzureDoom
- Main Menu Credits by isXander
- MaLiLib by masa
- Mineblock's Repeated Utilities
- Mod Menu by Prospector, haykam821, TerraformersMC
- OctoLib by OctoStudios
- Ok Boomer by glisco
- PandaLib by The Panda Oliver
- Placeholder API by Patbox
- Player Animator by KosmX
- Preferred Gamerules by Estecka
- Puzzles Lib by Fuzs
- Resource Pack Overrides by Fuzs
- Status Effect Bars by Neecko5b84
- Sushi Bar by Chai
- YetAnotherConfigLib by isXander
- oωo by glisco, BasiqueEvangelist, Noaaan
Resource packs included
- Fresh Skeleton Physics by ewanhowell5195
- Visual Armor Trims by thanos
- Visual Enchantment Books by McVader
- Enchant Display: Roman Numerals by semasem
- Enchant Icons by CountXD
- Fresh Animations by FreshLX
- Fresh Animations - Extensions by FreshLX
- Detailed Animations by Cymock
- Torches Reimagined by Reijvi
- Traben's 3D Arrow Models by traben
- Traben's 3D Armor Models by traben
- Icons - Xaero Minimap X Fresh Animations by SilverstarShiro
- VanillaTweaks.net > selected resources that beautify and/or fix blocks and models
- Complementary Shaders - Reimagined by EminGT
* All rights reserved to their respective owners as defined by them on their project pages.
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