on Mar 1, 2025Initial 1.18.2 port
- Hunger, Thirst, and Enrichment are all disabled and cannot be enabled.
- Animal Plaques cannot yet be placed.
- Aquatic plants (java moss, amazon sword, hornwort, red myrio) do not yet spawn naturally but can be traded with master level Botanists.
Known bugs
- Motorboats hitting water spring up into the air
- Walking animations do not reset to resting position when not moving
- Picnic tables connection placements can be weird
on Jun 9, 20241.1.0-IntelligentAnimals3
- Red shouldered macaws are now properly categorized as red-fronted instead.
- Added missing flower tags to the new flowers.
- Disabled zookeepers picking up items for now.
- New enrichment and plush blocks now drop their respective items when broken.
- Fertility 5 animals no longer spawn, 4 is the intended max.
- Other plants no longer turn into tall grass when bone meal is used.
on Jun 8, 20241.1.0-IntelligentAnimals2
- New plushies now have crafting recipes!
on Jun 8, 20241.1.0-IntelligentAnimals1
- 5 new animals! Common chimpanzee, Coquerel's sifaka, Red panda, Ring-tailed lemur, Western lowland gorilla.
- 2 new NPCS! Botanist and Zookeeper.
- Zoo carts in all 16 vanilla colors, each with an inventory.
- Hydroponics table; this is the botanist's job block, and can also be used to propogate and grow various plants.
- 5 new enrichment blocks! Bamboo chimes, Bamboo feeder, Pineapple pinata, Ball pit, Snow pit.
- 9 new plants! Dwarf and tiny bamboo in all 3 variants, Bassia, Creeping tick trefoil, Jinns tongue, Tall jinns tongue, Legume, Spleenwort, and Bird-of-Paradise.
- 13 new plushies! Big giraffe, gorilla, lion, and macaw; Hanging gorilla, lemur, mandrill, monkey, and orangutan; Regular elephant, gorilla, lemur, and red panda.
- 2 new items! Baby Formula for forever babies, and Release Form to untame your animals.
- New advancements.
- Advancements have been rearranged a bit.
- "Territorial" type babies no longer aggressive.
- Zawa corals no longer turn into seagrass when bone meal is used on them.
on Apr 22, 20241.0.2-BeefBeta-TropicalExpedition6
- Again, another "NoSuchMethodError" server crash
- "NoSuchMethodError" server crash
- Capture nets while in creative mode can be used to capture any entity.
- Sprinklers have functionality and new placement options! Use a snow block for a snow sprinkler effect, or a water bucket to switch back to water.
- River stone rock hide variant, with same drops as blackstone variant.
- Data book updates! Scrolling lists and tooltips for diets and enrichment, new navigation buttons for easier access.
- Certain diets properly use some item tags now.
- Vanilla meat items can be crafted into ZAWA's small, medium, and large meat items.
- Updated recipes for: wooden-type blocks and fences to match the vanilla crafting pattern, exhibit glass, and heat lamp. All recipes should now be compatible with appropriate item tags.
- Mixed stone recipe replaces sandstone with andesite, also updated mixed mossy stone texture.
- Plush recipes changed to use any bamboo instead of string.
- ZAWA bamboo can be used in vanilla bamboo recipes.
- Species variant animals can now be bred for their captive variants.
- Dropping items to breed ambients now works despite mobGriefing gamerule.