Enderman on Ocean
An enderman swimming in the ocean, not taking water damage due to the water resistance effect
July 6, 2023

Custom Recipe
Example custom recipe using "minecraft:nautilus_shell". The potions are also green instead of the default purple.
February 18, 2024

Default Recipe
The default recipe for the Potion of Water Resistance is a sponge. The default colour is purple.
February 18, 2024

Underwater Blazes
A screenshot of two Blazes underwater. They are immune to all non-drowning water damage due to the water resistance status effect applied to them.
July 6, 2023

Endermen in water
A screenshot in Minecraft displaying two Endermen, with the status effect water resistance, swimming in water whilst taking no damage. The player also has the status effect and its icon is displayed in the top right section of the screen.
July 6, 2023