Small update which fixes some rendering issues and improves compatibility.
- Support for Continuity on Minecraft 1.21.4
- Use uint32 index type if needed (fixes not rendered geometry if the index count was too high)
- Fixed quad normal rendering bug and reduced memory allocations
- Fixed flipped particle rendering
New release fixes a crash when rendering breeze wind and enhances mod compatibility.
- Fixed a crash caused by an error in breeze_wind shader
- Fixed texture upload sync bug
- Improved texture compatibility
This release adds support for Minecraft 1.21.4 and fixes some mod compatibility issues. It also slightly improves chunk building speed.
- Chunk building speed improvement.
- Replaced "Fullscreen" and "Windowed Fullscreen" switch options with "Window Mode" option
- Improved framebuffer compatibility
- Fixed a crash when setting texture parameters
- Improved shader conversion
The key features of this release are Minecraft 1.21.3 support, terrain rendering CPU performance uplift, bugfixes and better compatiblity.
- CPU terrain rendering performance uplift
- Upload and layout transition command buffers compaction
- Add back clouds fog
- Fixed crash on clouds rendering
- Fixed a bug on gl framebuffer binding
- LambDynamicLights is now working
- Allocated image memory is now tracked
This build fixes some annoying issues. Fabric API is no longer needed to run the mod.
- Updated "Backface culling" setting name and tooltip
- Fixed crash on world loading without Fabric API
- Fixed index buffer crash when full
- Fixed block destruction overlay bug
- Fixed quad model culling issues (e.g. grass)
- Fixed issues with quad model's normal not being updated
This release brings some key features, as well as some bugfixes and compatibility improvements.
New Features
- Fabric Rendering API implementation (which will improve mod compatibility substantially)
- CPU backface culling (when enabled it can give up to 30% GPU performance uplift)
- Cloud Rendering optimization (improved performance and fixed vanilla visual glitches)
- Use sorted index buffer on immediate rendering if needed (fixes translucent models rendering)
- Fixed biome color blending not applied is some cases
- Fixed a crash with ReplayMod on world joining
This release fixes some important issues affecting entity rendering and effects.
- Fixed entity/block entity color format conversion (1.21)
- Fixed inverted render target blit
- Fixed visual artifacts when rendering outline effect
- Fixed a crash when taking a screenshot on some devices
With this release we have made some steps forward on compatibility with some popular mods, some bugs were fixed and a new crash report section with Vulkan devices' info was added to help us with debugging.
Mod compatibility improvements: Botania, Customizable Player Models, ETF, EMF, ESF, First Person Model, Freecam, Legendary Tooltips, Iceberg, Pick Up Notifier, Remove Reloading Screen
- Fixed a bug affecting quad sorting
- Fixed visual artifacts on chunk section updates
- Fixed logged error on world joining
- Fixed world icon screenshot recording
- Improved entity rendering compatibility
- Fixed shader's loading when using default namespace
- Improved glsl shader conversion
- Improved OpenGL emulation
- Improved texture compatibility
- Resolved some mixin conflicts
- Added available devices' info on crash reports