Added config for shot power and pursuit distance, removed skeleton pirates temporarily
cleanup and first attempt at fixing render layers
see fabric 1.4.2 changelog, bugfixes
- fixes a crash caused by the StructureTemplateMixin when trying to ponder something in create
- adds support for ships that can fly if they have balloons on them (with AI)
- makes the mod.json more precise
see 1.4.1
- fixes helmsman crash
- adds stability blocks (creative only)
- theoretically removes the need for Eureka, I wouldn't try it yet though.
First version with builtin support for Sinytra Connector. Please create an issue if you encounter any problems with mod loading.
Happy new year!
In this update we have:
- Groovy new ship AI, they actually chase you now
- ships are placed in the world as ships rather than structures that become ships
- tweaked which ships spawn more often
- some abstraction to make it easer to not rely on Eureka in future version (it still does now however)
10 new ships, many of which are from the competition in VS Discord Server!
- Quoissants
- Extingale
- AnItem
- Baguette
- J <3
- 4 new shipwreck structures
- Custom Loot Tables by Qoissants
- Fixed bugs with motion block
- Improved Crew Spawner
Exact same jar as fabric, but adds dependencies so it works on forge
- Added config for cannon firing and ship assembly
- Reverse circles and a more "dynamic" ship builder
- MotionInvokingBlock now stops movement on block destruction
- Ships stop moving when they are disarmed
Halloween update!
New ship now has fewer pirates (but still plenty), it was too laggy
- New skeleton ship
- Skeleton pirates
- Add creative inventory
- Add items for Motion Block and Crew Spawner
- Add item textures
- Add gamerule for piratesIsLive and remove piratesIsLiveWorld field
- Let Crew Spawner spawn different types of mob
- Fix compat with Connector
G_Mungus made this mod a whole lot better:
Overview: Reworked cannon priming block:
Cannon priming blocks now convert the dispenser in front of them into a cannon dispenser block. Cannonballs only shoot out of cannon dispensers, which can receive redstone power through the priming block behind. An armed cannon priming block can be disabled by killing a pirate entity who crews the cannon. Firing cannonballs now has a new sound and particle effect. Now can be crafted.
Changes to motion invoking block:
Motion invoking blocks only work under a ship helm. They receive the ship's orientation from the helm instead of their own property. Can be disabled by killing a pirate entity who crews the block.
Changes to pirate entity:
Created new texture, model, and animation. Changed pathfinding to help the pirate not fall of ship as often. No longer teleports to the player. Can crew cannons or motion blocks, which allows them to be disabled upon this' death.
Rebuilt ship structure:
2 Variants, one small with no cannons and smaller loot. Mostly added for variety and ambiance. Other variant is med-large, with a dozen cannons and a larger crew. 2 masts, lots of treasure, interesting design.
ported to 1.20.1