Fixes the pebbles models and recipe
Thanks to @wiidotmom on github
1.21.2 version
Remove tool requirement for mining pebble blocks
Update to support latest filament version
Fix pebble loot table
- Update filament version
- Improved loading mechanism
- Pebble blocks now use tripwire blocks for a smaller hitbox
Fix language file being overwritten by other my other TSA mods
Fix language file being overwritten by other my other TSA mods
Fix language file being overwritten by other my other TSA mods
1.21 update
Fixes datapack issues (recipes, loot tables)
1..20.6 version
- Fixes polished andesite recipe, thanks to Zekiu
- Fixes polished stone recipe advancement
- Fixes polished andesite recipe, thanks to Zekiu
- Fixes polished stone recipe advancement
Bugfix (content not loading)