- Fixed crash
- Added NeoForge port
- Restored Apotheosis support
- Restored MultiMine support (hopefully for good this time)
- Switched from Forge to NeoForge config spec
- Added leaves-related API features
- Added config settings for leaves-related compatibility
- Added config setting to give players credit for indirectly broken (felled) blocks
- Various minor optimizations and bug fixes
- More localizations
- Removed felling options
- Minor optimizations
- Minor visual improvements
- Better Multi Mine compat (disabled Multi Mine when chopping)
- Added console commands treechop:chop and treechop:fell
- Added datapack support (see wiki)
- Minor optimizations and changes to tree block breaking
- Fixed compatibility issues with Majrusz's Enchantments, Spectrum, and others
- Fixed rendering issues
- (Forge) Fixed missing textures with Physics Mod and others
- Various visual fixes
- Fix crash with Create/Flywheel (revert /data fix)
- Fix occasional crash
- Fix config-related error
- Add thwack configuration to API
- Added a thwack
- Fixed flickering
- Fixed invisible blocks when using Cobblemon
- Fixed conflict with Twilight Forest's giant pickaxe
- Fixed chopped log visuals not updating when using /data commands
- Various minor improvements
- Significantly optimized tree detection
- Added compatibility with Apotheosis chainsaw enchantment
- Fixed tree blocks not showing with Jade
- (Via configs) Fixed Biomes o' Plenty's palm tree leaving floating leaves
- Fixed occasional crashes
- Fixed Jade compatibility
- Fixed floating leaves for Regions Unexplored's brimwood trees (via config/treechop-common.toml defaults)
- "problematicLeavesTrees" (set in config/treechop-common.toml) now break persistent blocks
- Expanded API
- Fixed conflicts with AOE tools from various mods