Added Moe Chinese to more mods, and changed Moe Chinese to resource packs.
修改中文语言文件为萌体中文,并对以下模组进行联动修改: appleskin,ayame paperdoll,emi,jade,modernfix,modmenu,sodium,sodium-extra,yet another config lib,zoomify
Modify the Chinese language file to Moe Chinese, and modify the following modules: appleskin,ayame paperdoll,emi,jade,modernfix,modmenu,sodium,sodium-extra,yet another config lib,zoomify
修改中文语言文件为萌体中文,并对以下模组进行联动修改: appleskin,ayame paperdoll,emi,jade,modernfix,modmenu,sodium,sodium-extra,yet another config lib,zoomify
Modify the Chinese language file to Moe Chinese, and modify the following modules: appleskin,ayame paperdoll,emi,jade,modernfix,modmenu,sodium,sodium-extra,yet another config lib,zoomify
AI supports Silicon Flow and ChatGPT
Added AI thinking process display switch
Fixed the bug that Ghost Cat was too invincible
Fixed the bug of deleting junk files
Update AI settings ,supported more AI.
Add work for neko.
More text.
More text~
Fix some bugs.
Added catnip sandwiches and ghost cat spawn eggs, added more advancements, and refactored some commands
重构聊天部分代码~ 更新Bukkit
Remake chat part code~ update Bukkit version.