add tofu tart
shudofu spider no longer angry about tofu spider friendly fire
add tofucreeper
tofu slime no longer drop tofu stick
fixed AE2 conflict
shudofu spider no longer angry about tofu spider friendly fire
add TofuCreeper in TofuWorld!
remade tofu stem planks thanks(thanks majin!)
tofu slime no longer drop tofu stick
Tofu Stem Planks Stairs and Slab add!
bit nerf Shudofu Spider(you can now made do damage with magic damage when shudofu spider health is half)
some missing item add in creative tab
fixed patchouli compat and fluid interactions
fixed convertable fluids
add new cheese! soy nether cheese and soy soul cheese!
Traveler Tofunian spawn fixed
fixed patchouli compat and fluid interactions
fixed tofu portal problem
add tofu portal cooldown also creative player and mob shortly enter dimension
fixed fluids destroy tofucraft fluids
backport bugfixs
balanced tofu diamond armor and sculk armor
balanced Tofu Golem speed
fixed shudofuspider grasp natto cob web
add tofu spider sounds
fixed shudofuspider grasp natto cob web
add five new foods!(soycheese tart can place it!)
fixed sukiyaki recipe
fixed biome lang key
fixed sukiyaki recipe
fixed food valve and recipe