Added pulley block:
It's a pretty simple block with a single slot inventory that accept a stack of ropes or chains. Once rotated with a turn table it will start deploying or pulling back said block underneath it, with the same functionality as ropes themselves. Its working speed depends of course on the speed at which you are turning it.
Added fodder block. Crafted with flax it's basically just like grass except sheeps will be able to eat from it indefinitely and will also do so at a slightly faster rate
Rope arrows and pulley block can now accept ropes from any other mod (as long as they are tagged as such)
More specifically rope arrows will be able to be crafted with any of said ropes but will only deploy one single type that can be configured in the config. By default, of course, they use Supplementaries ropes
Flax seeds can be composted and fed to chickens
Fixed quite a few bugs related to flax, potion and jars, bellows and bells
Fixed some recipes and loot tables
Changed sack texture (feedback needed) spring launcher and turn table texture
V 0.10.1c: some minor but still somewhat important bugfixes
V 0.10.1b:
Fixed some mixin stuff that was causing issues with some other mods.
Added bell functionality for ropes (like chains have).
Added checker block slab.
Fixed some dispenser issues related to jars
Added a tag for blocks that can pick up water when being pulled up by a rope
v 0.10.1:
Added flax:
it's a new rare crop that can be used to craft ropes and sacks.
For now you can find its sees in pillager outposts or sold by the wandering trader.
Flax seeds can also be put in flower pots.
Added ropes.
They are a pretty useful block with many functionality: they can be placed under a supporting ceiling or against another rope, but only up to a maximum distance from the nearest supporting block sort of like upside down scaffolding.
Ropes can also be instantly broken by hand, they can be burned and broken by an arrow.
They can be climber like ladder and one can fall straight through them at normal speed without taking fall damage.
If a rope is placed horizontally one can also stand on it.
Ropes can also be attached to fences and they will visually connect to it (currently this part is a bit graphically glitchy).
Ropes can also be pulled down or pulled up by respectively clicking one with another rope or with an empty hand and they will also pull up or down the last block that's below them.
Rope arrows can be crafted with up to 16 ropes and an arrow and will behave more or less as you would expect by placing down a rope coil from where they land.
If there are blocks in the way you can pick the arrow back and "recharge" it back up for later use.
Changed gold trapdoor texture and gold door item texture.
Changed hourglass item texture again.
Uniformed tooltip formatting
Gold and Netherite doors can now utilize Quarks double door functionality
Enabled back dispensers functionality for jars
Added an optional tab full of... jars?
Fixed some recipes Some other minor improvements
V 0.10.1a: fixed a compiler error that prevented the last version to even boot up.
Added flax:
it's a new rare crop that can be used to craft ropes and sacks.
For now you can find its sees in pillager outposts or sold by the wandering trader.
Flax seeds can also be put in flower pots.
Added ropes.
They are a pretty useful block with many functionality: they can be placed under a supporting ceiling or against another rope, but only up to a maximum distance from the nearest supporting block sort of like upside down scaffolding.
Ropes can also be instantly broken by hand, they can be burned and broken by an arrow.
They can be climber like ladder and one can fall straight through them at normal speed without taking fall damage.
If a rope is placed horizontally one can also stand on it.
Ropes can also be attached to fences and they will visually connect to it (currently this part is a bit graphically glitchy).
Ropes can also be pulled down or pulled up by respectively clicking one with another rope or with an empty hand and they will also pull up or down the last block that's below them.
Rope arrows can be crafted with up to 16 ropes and an arrow and will behave more or less as you would expect by placing down a rope coil from where they land.
If there are blocks in the way you can pick the arrow back and "recharge" it back up for later use.
Changed gold trapdoor texture and gold door item texture.
Changed hourglass item texture again.
Uniformed tooltip formatting
Gold and Netherite doors can now utilize Quarks double door functionality
Enabled back dispensers functionality for jars
Added an optional tab full of... jars?
Fixed some recipes Some other minor improvements
Fixed mod loading issue from 0.10.0.
Reworked the whole jar fluid system.
They now use their own custom virtual fluid system which allows them to accept any forge fluids as well as properly interact and support modded bottles and soup (as long as they have been added of course. you can check out my discord for details). Some have already been added
They will also convert between different fluids types of the same type like honey for example.
Faucets and jars will not properly interact with external fluid sources and fluid tanks and will retain their old behavior of course.
Improved faucets and jar rendering.
Faucets will not emit colored dripping particles when they are off but have a fluid behind
Added pancakes!
They can be placed and stacked up to 8. If you put honey on them they will give you a short speed buff.
You can also put on them syrup from autumnity or chocolate from create.
Added Netherite doors, and trapdoors.
They will function sort of like the safe block meaning you can assign them and only open them with a key.
Added a Lock Block which will emit a redstone signal when activated with its key.
Keys can now go and work in curios slots. Added checker block Changed and improved a lot of textures
Fixed a bamboo spike related bug and probably some other bugs too
Finally remember to enable gold doors though configs. They were added last update but I forgot to change the default config so if you have already downloaded the mod they most likely are disabled.
Backported to 1.15.2 wit the expection of the following features:
All 1.16 related blocks have been removed of course and recipes changed accordingly
Removed all mod tags
Removed throwable bricks
Changes from latest 1.16.5 version 0.9.26:
If quark is installed, bamboo spikes will not retain their potion color while being moved.
Additionally they will deal a lot more damage when being pushed and will also be able to actually deal damage and apply their effects WHILE being moved by a piston.
Added all tipped spikes variants to JEI inventory
Quickly ported 1.16 version to 1.15.