- Updated the mod to Fabric API 0.115.0, Fabric Loader 0.16.10 & BTWR Shared Library 0.47
- Updated the mod license in the mod list to display the proper one (changed from MIT to CC-BY-4.0)
- Update the author of the mod (me) to display in the mod list
- Fixed a bug with trees from other mods where their bottom part would not generate. This should allow compatibility with other mods to generate normally without missing "trunks".
- Fixed version requirement for BTWR-SL
- Updated the mod to Fabric API 0.114.0 && BTWR-SL v0.40
- Added BTWR-SL (Library mod) as dependency and removed BTWR: Core
- Added mod description to display properly
- Changed the stump remover recipe to not require creeper oysters
- Updated the mod to Fabric API 0.110.0 & Fabric Loader 0.16.9
- Fixed stumps to be able to be broken by explosions (they were too tough before)
- Updated the mod to Fabric Loader 0.16.7 & Fabric API 0.106.0
- Added support for stump blocks being broken by new chisel item tags introduced with the new Tough Environment update.
- Updated the mod to Fabric Loader 0.16.5 & Fabric API 0.104.0
- Updated the mod to require v0.26 of BTWR: Core
- Updated the mod to Fabric API 0.103.0
- Updated the mod to Fabric Loader 0.16.3
- Fixed some bugs related to crafting log recipes into sticks and planks to work as intended.
- Fixed a bug that caused leaves to always drop when broken by hand
- General improvements for some loot tables and recipes that were causing problems since the 1.20.6 update
- Updated the mod to latest fabric api versions
- Update 1.4 to newest Minecraft versions
- Added bamboo block to bamboo planks recipe with an axe.
- Reduced Dead Bush Shaft(Stick) drop rate even further, from 20 to 11 percent.
- Reduced fuel values for Saw Dust and all Bark items.
- Fixed missing textures for some stump blocks.
- Fixed models in general for some of the custom log models.
- Balanced (brough back to normal) the axes breaking speed for leaves, as it was too fast.
- Fixed code to work as intended on the server side.
- Updated the mod to Fabric API 0.92.2 & Fabric Loader 0.15.11
Rewrote most of the mod logic to work better.
Added recipes for making plank blocks from wooden slabs.
Added Crafting Stump blocks. ( currently only acquired by breaking with Tough Environment chisel.)
Made the drops for mod log blocks to be datapack compatible (they were hardcoded before)
Reduced drop rate of sticks from Dead bush.
Brough back the logic to create vanilla stripped logs with right click.
Fixed Deepslate from not dropping because of wrong insertion of custom code.
Fixed all stump textures & made them appropriately convert to crafting tables when using with Tough Environment Chisels.
Updated the mod to Fabric API 0.92.1 & Fabric Loader 0.15.10
Requires the BTWR-Core mod to run from now on.
BTWR-Core provides a way for shearing the creepers and acquiring the creeper oysters needed to craft Stump Remover item(wasn't available before).
Added secondary drops from logs. (Bark & Saw Dust)
Changed how breaking logs into lesser items work. Logs must be crafted together with the axe item to get planks/shafts(sticks) depending on the type of axe used.
Changed Spruce stump texture to match the log's lighter texture.
Changed effects on stump removing.
Fixed apples not dropping from Oak Leaves.
Fixed a bug where Flowering Azalea leaves were not harvestable with Shears.
Fixed a bug where Cherry Logs weren't breaking correctly
Fixed a bug that made breaking logs cost too much hunger.
Removed Shaft item.
Removed log stripping via right-clicking with axe.
Updated the mod to Fabric API 0.92.0 & Fabric Loader 0.15.6
- Added Stump Remover item.
- Fixed Mangrove Roots to break faster.
- Removed quick growing saplings with Bone meal.
- Initial release.