Ported to 1.19, same features as the 1.20.1 1.0.0 version aside from a few AI improvements, removing a couple sound triggers for suspense and to be scarier than it is annoying and making the trigger entity invisible.
Made the "Mimic Man" have a few skills like your own, and to restrain those same powers from you...
Improved Mimic AI Added new Mimic spawning mechanics New Debuff: "Creative Shock" New Debuff: "Fear" New Debuff: "Elixr Of Nightmares" New Damage Type: "Hypertension" New Item: "Foul Concotion" New Block: "Particle Spawner"
Added a couple functionality and test blocks and items that don't really concern the average player and are simply to help with spawning and conditions...
Initial release...
Unsure if spawning conditions work. It was too frequent at 0.05 so I set it to 0.001... May change depending on public reception...