I Fixed a Critical error when using a frigi'loam block to form frosron will imediantly crash because the frosron ore would adtimpt to make more frosron ore becuase of a typo
Fixed a Critical error when using a frigi'loam block to form frosron will imediantly crash because the frosron ore would adtimpt to make more frosron ore becuase of a typo
Snowdust Logs and Planks have a new texture!!! (+ added new textures for Snowdust Door & Snowdust Trapdoor and door item Plus a new texture for the hailstorm) Have fun :3 (Also I noticed that the snowdust nonblockblocks were treated as stone blocks so thats fixed now)
This version adds the inbetween of Snowdust & Icemarine ha ha tittle refrince :3 anyways also snowdust can now also grow into a mega tree (2x2 saplings next to eachother)
A quick patch in which makes you need spisific tiers of pickaxes to mine the new ores (frosron needing stone+, arourare needing iron+ and icemarine needing diamond+) also removed a few tags unessasary for the mod which included vanilla tags on modded items (the way i did this was include the "replace": false tag inside it) and fixed the ores not being able to smelt. + Fixed a few loot tables that somehow went missing. + organised all items and blocks
Thank you all for being Pacient for this patch- This Christmas morning (for me atleast) I release this version inwhich adds Snowdust a Tree type and a few beta gems including a new way to achive Icemarine. (Fixed Snowdust Leaves decaying for no reason + fixed/balanced attack speed and attack damage for all current tools)
This is a small patch that adds 3 resorce packs to the mod. The next update 1.9 will have snowdust fully inported (Update, 1.9 Will be released on the 25th of December)
New Version adding Wedston tools, Also Cooki,te will become its own project soonish + armor now works properly compared to previous versions for 1.21 + new Wedston tools/armor textures + FIXED ALL MODDED TOOL/ARMOR ENCHANTING ISSUES + fixed broken crafting + fixed rendering of the Ice Shuriken (also in the files but not acsessable snowdust is now inside the mod)
Today is a good day, the Bows Now FINALLY work properly. also a retexture of icemarine and enderite themselves (I am so happy I got this to work once more + New Names for Icemarine sword & bow+fixed armor protection bars for modded armors.(also fixed all crafting) + also fixed icemarine smelting
Update with better Enderite tool sprites
So it took a while But, Snowdust & Icemarine is 1.21
Adds a resprite to Icemarine armour
Taking a break here and there is something everyone enjoys, When I take a break I normally just resprite something. This patch adds a new look to the Sea's Blade & the Icemarine Template. That is all, thank you for your time! (BONUS function) You can now smelt down Icemarine armour/tools down to Diamond. +Fixed the combat organisation
This Update has retextures for the matter manipulator and Icemarine Shuriken plus it adds a wip item. the Icemarine Ocarina. That is all
HAPPI BIRTHDAY COOKI, We have added a new resorce for this acassion. NOW INTRODUCING "COOKI'TE" a Material inwhich resimbles a Moss Agate. And we also added a new food item which is basicly a birthday cookie instead of a birthday cake :3. ALSO cooki'ite will have more addtions as the mod continues to grow. That is all and hope you have a good birthday cooki
This verson of Snowdust and Icemarine introduces "Wedston" a new resorce that I call an alloy of Redstone and Gold
(FIXED) Matter Minipulator rendering incorrectly
This is the first Version ever released.