Pets & Dungeons (1.3.0)
=== Additions ===
== New mobs ==
- Twins Shadeling. You can calm them down with Waking Hope and then tame them with Slivers of Innocence. When tamed, they get stronger during daytime.
- Hornbearer Shadeling. It's purified with a Waking Hope and then tamed with Slivers of Innocence. When tamed, it gets stronger during night time.
== New items & blocks ==
- Sliver of Innocence. All Staris and Oorbies drop this now.
== Other additions ==
- Added one new structure for the new Shadelings.
=== Changes ===
- All Staris and Oorbies now drop Sliver of Innocence.
- Made the Fakelook Shadeling a little easier to find.
Pets & Dungeons (1.2.0)
=== Additions ===
== New mobs ==
- Nika Stari.
- Moth Stari.
- Shimmering Oorbie.
== New items & blocks ==
- Sun-Shaped Marshmallow. When eaten during daytime, gives you Health Boost I.
- Moon-Shaped Marshmallow. When eaten during night time, gives you Health Boost I.
- Twinklefruit. When eaten during any time of the day, gives you Health Boost I.
== Other additions ==
- Added a new structure for the new Oorbie and Staris.
- Added a new achievement for defeating Ragclow.
=== Changes ===
- Slightly changed the rarity of the structures.
- Ragclow now drops 27 EXP (previously it was 25 EXP).
=== Fixes ===
- Fixed Imp Oorbie having wrong diameter calculations.
Pets & Dungeons (1.1.0)
=== Additions ===
== New mobs ==
- Ragclow. It's a boss that is found in its own structure.
- Ghost Oorbie. Gives their owner Slow Falling.
- Imp Oorbie. Gives their owner Fire Resistance for 2 minutes. The timer goes down but gets automatically reset if this Oorbie is near its owner. It is also immune to fire.
- Chocolate Stari. Gives enemies Weakness II for 7 seconds.
== New items & blocks ==
- Waking Hope. It's a very special item used for summoning Ragclow.
- Doomsday Block. It's the block used for summoning Ragclow.
- Mind Void. It's a purely decorative block. It's found in the Doomsday Block structure and can also be obtained extremely rarely in loot chests.
== Other additions ==
- Added two new structures. One for Ragclow and one for the new Oorbies and Staris.
=== Changes ===
- Organized the creative inventory so all Staris and Oorbies are grouped together.
- Made the range of the Angelic Oorbie and Raindrop Oorbie of 20 blocks diameter instead of 8 blocks diameter.
- Tweaked the rarity of the structures so they're a bit rarer to find.
- Made the music discs slightly rarer to find.
=== Fixes ===
- Fixed Angelic Oorbie and Raindrop Oorbie not activating their ability in time.
Pets & Dungeons (Changes from the Discord beta)
=== Additions ===
== New mobs ==
- Fakelook Shadeling. Spawns as a small cute creature, but when a player gets near it in a 5 blocks diameter, it will transform into its monster form and will quickly attack you.
- Added Shadow Oorbie. It gives Wither II to the nearest enemy.
- Added Business Stari. It hunts down endermen.
- Added Frozen Stari. It gives Slowness VII to enemies.
== New items & blocks ==
- Added three music discs: Fight The Real Enemy, Solo in a Lost Memory & Striking Encounter.
== Other additions ==
- Added one more Magical Pet Structure.
=== Changes ===
- The Dark Star can now be used for brewing potions of Hunger Immunity.
- Staris and Oorbies no longer get autotamed when colliding with them. Now you have to right-click them.
=== Fixes ===
- Fixed structures being able to spawn in oceanic biomes.
- Fixed Angelic Oorbie not giving Absorption properly.