The steam update! This update adds steam addons and engine, allowing you to greatly increase the yield of generators with some additional infrastructure.
Full changelog:
- Add steam boiler addon. Causes the connected generator to produce steam instead of RF. Water and steam are piped in/out from this block.
- Add steam engine. Multiple of them can be chained together to work cooperatively. Speed and efficiency changes with the internal steam pressure (e.g. amount of steam inside).
- Add guidebook entry for steam
- Add tooltips to machines requiring power using the enderic laser
- Add lavender and athena to required dependency list on startup
- Add comparator output for tanks
- Make Oil/Fuel behave like liquids when player is inside
- Update item tags to use the new 1.21 format. This improves compatibility with other mods.
- Rebalance steel. Biosteel now only yields 2 ingots, and steel in foundry is processed faster
- Rebalance crafting recipes for basic generator + pulverizer. They now use iron instead of steel
- Fix promethium pickaxe crashing when switch mode on servers.
- Fix deepslate platinum ore texture having holes
- Fix drone port UI target assignment issues
- Fix animation issue with generators when world is loaded
This is a backport of the bugfix for crashes with the exo suit on dedicated servers. Full changelog:
- Fix crashes on dedicated servers when charging items via exo suit chestplate
- Add charged tool variants to creative item groups
Bugfix release:
- Fix recipes using copper and iron ingots not working
- Also add generats and their usage recipes to REI/EMI
- Yield addons can now also be added to the enderic laser and block destroyer. They'll add one fortune level each (limited at 3)
Update to minecraft 1.21, with new item component usage and some small changes/fixes. Full changelog:
- Update to minecraft version 1.21
- Improve formatting for large RF values (now displayed in millions and billions)
- Add portable tank block picking with fluid contents
- Add reach modifiers for promethium tools, they now increase the range of the player when used
- Add charged tool variants to creative tab Warning: The format of the stored nbt values has been changed on some blocks (most notably fluids). This means that some old contained data will be lost. Tank and Centrifuge fluid storages will reset.
The quarry update - introduces the quarry addon for the block destroyer and enderic laser, along with a few other bugfixes and improvements:
- Add quarry addon block, applicable to both the enderic laser and block destroyer. Increases the range of the block destroyer, and increases the beam width of the enderic laser. Multiple addons can be used to increase the effect. The UI shows range/size data.
- Small energy storage is now portable, and is renamed to "portable energy storage"
- Add sounds effects for most machines
- Add Industrial Glass blocks
- Fix automatic machine core placement for machines operating on machine frames
- Add deep drill usage tooltips when interacting with its machine cores
- Add EMI integration (huge thanks to unilock here for huge parts of the work required)
- Improve laser arm visuals, target search and liquid handling
- Add blasting recipes for oritech metals
- Add world generation configuration options
- Add netherite alloying recipe
- Add energy pipe transfer rate tooltip
- Improve solar panel tooltips
- Improve machine core usage handling in some edge cases
Initial upload