OpenBlocks Trophies; a recreation and expansion on the trophies from OpenBlocks from the 1.12.2 days!
This mod is currently NeoForge only
- Mobs have a 0.1% chance of dropping their trophy (tip: Looting helps)!
- Right-clicking a placed trophy will play the mob's ambient sound. Some mobs have special interactions!
- Besides placing them down they can also be worn on your head!
One major difference between what I do and what OpenBlocks did was that you can add your own trophies through datapacks! Learn how to register your own trophies here.
Show List
Note: if a mod is on this list and you don't see trophies for it, it's most likely because they're in a newer version. I only keep the latest version updated, so make sure you use the latest version for the newest content!The mod currently supports 2,570 entities across these mods:
- Ad Astra
- Aether: Lost Content Addon
- Alex's Caves
- Alex's Mobs
- Allthemodium
- All Bark, All Bite
- Ambient Additions
- Animalium
- Aquaculture 2
- Aquamirae
- Ars Elemental
- Ars Nouveau
- Artifacts
- Better Animals Plus
- Biome Makeover
- Blue Skies
- Born in Chaos
- Bosses of Mass Destruction
- Botania
- Buzzier Bees
- Bygone Nether
- Caracal Mod
- ChocoCraft
- Cloud Storage
- Corail Tombstone
- Crabber's Delight
- Cracker's Wither Storm Mod
- Creatures and Beasts
- Critters and Companions
- Creeper Overhaul
- Darker Depths
- Deep Aether
- Deep Dark: Regrowth
- Deeper and Darker
- DivineRPG
- Duckling
- Dungeon Now Loading
- Earth 2 Java
- Earth Mobs
- Ecologics
- Embers
- Enchant With Mob
- Enderman Overhaul
- Ender Zoology
- Endless Biomes
- Enemy Expansion
- EnergeticSheep
- Enlightend
- Environmental
- Eternal Starlight
- EvilCraft
- Exotic Birds
- Extended Mushrooms
- Fazcraft
- Feywild
- Fins and Tails
- Fish of Thieves
- FNAF Management Wanted
- Friends & Foes
- Gaia Dimension
- Galosphere
- GeOre Nouveau
- Goblin Traders
- Goodall
- Grimoire of Gaia
- Guard Villagers
- Habitat
- Hamsters Plus
- Hexerei
- Hunter Illager
- Ice and Fire: Dragons
- Illager Invasion
- Immersive Engineering
- Infernal Expansion
- Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks
- It Takes a Pillage
- I Wanna Skate
- Jaden's Nether Expansion
- Jagm's Kiwis
- Kiwi Boi
- Knight Quest
- Kobolds!
- K9
- Lava Monsters
- Living Things
- L_Ender's Cataclysm
- Magma Monsters
- Mana and Artifice
- MCA Reborn
- Minecolonies
- Mekanism Additions
- Melon Golem
- Moolands
- Monster Plus
- More Axolotl Variants Mod
- Mowzie's Mobs
- Mutant Monsters
- MythicBotany
- Naturalist
- Neapolitan
- Nether Depths Upgrade
- Nether Skeletons
- Nether's Overhaul
- Occultism
- Oh The Biomes We've Gone
- Ornamental
- Petrock
- Pet Cemetery
- Piglin Proliferation
- Productive Bees
- Quark
- Queen Bee
- Raided
- Rats
- Realm RPG: Pots & Mimics
- Rediscovered
- Resource Ghouls
- Ribbits
- Risus - The Joyplague
- Rotten Creatures
- Savage & Ravage
- Server Friendly Looting
- Sleep Tight
- Snow Pig
- Snuffles
- Sons Of Sins
- Species
- Stalwart Dungeons
- Statues
- Sullys Mod
- Super Block World
- Supplementaries
- Sushi Go Crafting
- Suspicious Zombification
- Teletubbies Mod
- Thermal Series
- The Aether
- The Bumblezone
- The Conjurer
- The Endergetic Expansion
- The Farlanders
- The Ghast Cow
- The Graveyard
- The John Reborn
- The Midnight
- The Outer End
- The Twilight Forest
- The Undead Revamped
- The Undergarden
- Tide
- Tinkers Construct
- Tiny Skeletons
- TofuCraftReload
- Touhou Little Maid
- Tropicraft
- Underground Jungle
- Untamed Wilds
- Untitled Duck Mod
- Unusual End
- Upgrade Aquatic
- Vampirism
- Vanilla Degus
- Variants&Ventures
- Voidscape
- Waddles
- Wandering Trapper
- Wesley's Roguelike Dungeons
- You've Goat to be Kidding Me!
- [Let's Do] Bakery
- [Let's Do] Beachparty
- [Let's Do] BloomingNature
- [Let's Do] Meadow
- [Let's Do] Vinery
Want to see more mods supported by default? Be sure to leave me a compat suggestion on my Github!
Please report any problems you may find to the issue tracker. Thank you!
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Minecraft: Java Edition
Supported environments
Licensed MIT
Published 3 months ago
Updated last month