just optimized the mod more on the serverside
Changelog added an attribute system that players can use to toggle abilities on individual players (must disable ''sync configuration and attributes'' in the config)
fixed a bug that made impossible to play the mod on certain types of servers (how did no one ever notice breh)
added first person animations for parry and slide
reworked how slide calculates speed
added wallbumps
added a magic circle that appears on the ground when a player starts a smash to warn nearby players
a lot of QoL i forgor
fixed a bug that made it possible to hover on leaves while sliding (how did no one notice)
improved performance on all particle functions vfx
-fixed how smash detects the ground again
reworked how smashjumps are handled since the height gain felt pretty random
Optimized how wallrun checks for walls
Changed how Smash Detects the ground since it was causing a lot of issues with many other mods (might revert it later since it could be laggy)
You can now DashJump (ultrakill mechanic)
Changed Dash Sound When On the ground
Finally added proper magic circles to ReDdash
added a new slide animation that plays when sliding sideways
If your smashjump height would result in a lower height than your base jump height, you will perform a normal jump instead of a smashjump upon clicking the space key.
Some optimizations.
Added a new config that, when toggled to true, will display a red "!" symbol on top of the head of any player with an open parry window.
You now just need to have a speedometer in your hotbar to make it display your speed instead of having it in one of your hands.
Changed the speedometer texture.
Added configs to change how high you need to be to trigger each smash tier.
You can now add piercing of any level to projectile-boosted arrows using the config.
You can now add knockback of any level to projectile-boosted arrows using the config.
You can now make projectile-boosted arrows always crit through the config.
Projectile-boosted projectiles' physics have been reworked: the speed can no longer be set in the config because it’s not a static number. Instead, it will be the current speed of the projectile multiplied by the "Projectile Parry Speed Multiplier" configuration number.
You can now ride a projectile-parried/boosted projectile if you somehow manage to make it hit yourself.
Changed the way physics work when you bounce on water while sliding... again.
Fixed some desync issues with projectile boosts on servers with low TPS (this is the third time I’ve added this to a changelog; I just keep finding tiny problems).
The slidejump, smashjump, and air movement keys have been removed. These abilities now trigger based on your jump or movement keybinds.
Fixed a bug that made controlling any ability with WASD impossible if you had Enhanced Air Movement disabled.
Changed the way the yellow double-jump particles look since they made me want to vomit.
Changed the slidejump sound.
You can now edit some sound volumes and more in a new config called "SFX Config." Smash tier is now based on fall distance and not on how far you were from the ground before clicking the smash key.
Smashjump height is now FULLY based on fall distance. There’s no cap, so you can technically bounce for 8,000+ blocks if you fall from about 16,730.
Changed the smash texture to a pink arrow to make it fit more with the mod's theme.
reworked the way walljump direction is handled to make it feel less clunky
added 3 new projectile parry animations that play based on what items the player is holding
now projectileparried projectiles spawn a particle ''explosion'' when hitting a block or entity, you can configure spread, amount of particles, speed, and more
fixed a bunch of errors caused by unfinished scripts and broken textures
Dev Note: if you readt this thing all the way u're a hero and you deserve a cookie, i probably forgor to add some stuff just because i added/changed SO MUCH STUFF i couldn't even distinguish what was already in the previous version of the mod and what wasn't, so sorry for that, (it's not like someone reads changelogs anyways, lmao)
-small bugfixes
-Reworked how Projectile Parries are handled -Optimized how the new Dash Gui is Loaded -Reworked SlideSpeed Multiplies to be more dynamic -Reworked Slide to function in the direction the player is currently moving (based on W,A,S,D) -Reworked Dash to function in the direction the player is currently moving (based on W,A,S,D) -added 3 new Dash Animations that play based on what movement key the player is holding (W,A,S or D) -Added An animation to SmashJump -Reworked How wallrun is detected, handled and executed, -added a wallrun keybind -added 3 new Dash Animations that play Based on your movement direction -Now GravityParries instead of making you bounce on the ground make you roll, (controllable with W,A,S,D) -Reworked how WallJump Detects Wall To Rely More On Wallrun -Reworked Doublejump Sfx -Reworked Red Doublejump Sfx -Now Yellow, White and Red doublejumps have a custom 3d model and texture to represent the respective magic circle instead of a particle function -Doing a GravityParry While Sliding Will Play a Custom slide Animation and speed up your slide by 15% -Added a Creative Only Speedometer item That Displays your current speed (explodes if eaten) -now parry removes friction and gravity from parried projectiles -fixed projectileparry having a TON of desync on slightly laggy servers -removed slidejump keybind -removed smashjump keybind -now smasjump is triggered when the player jumps instead of needing a separate key -now slidejump has dynamic speed increases just like slide -now slide duration can get affected by how fast the player is moving
- -reworked how airpower is calculated and stored
- -added particle trails to parried projectiles
- -removed tier 0 smash, now tier 1 gets triggered from any height
- -now smashjumping resets your doublejump
- -fixed some gui bugs with green airpower numbers (potentialairpower)
fixed a bug related to translation
- -added Wallrunning
- -fixed bugs regarding Smash landing on water
- -reworked how look direction is handled in the mod
- -changed the slide behaviour to make it feel smoother
- -optimized some old assets
- -added the wallrun config
reworked slide calculations and reworked Dash.
- -added a new ''impact'' particle on projectile boost
- -reworked doublejump ground check for better reliability
- -fixed some bugs regarding the slide cooldoown
- -added a new tier for smash: tier 0, triggerable at 4.5 or less blocks high above the ground
- -added some new parry animations
- -fixed some bugs with smash and water interactions
- -changed the smash sound
- -added a new interaction between parry and fire damage
fixed a bug with slide cooldoown
added gui config added walljump magic circles (configurable) reworked doublejump to now speed up your player when used (configurable) added the new ''vfx config'' configuration file added XZ and Y offset to the gui config so players can now move around Gui Optimized Some Scripts that Run on PlayerTick
- Started Implementing More Dynamic CoolDowns
- Fully Implemented a more Dynamic Smash CoolDown
- Added Walljump
- Added SmashJump
- Added Reverse Walljump (flip walljump)
- Reworked SlideJump Physics
- Added a proper ''ParryActive'' Gui for RedParries
- Added a Configuration For Parryng Gravity
- Parryng Gravity now Grants you a small configurable speed boost Upwards
- Now Every Configuration File Will get generated insdie of a folder called ''movement arrows'' - (this will break previous configs, sorry)
- Removed Redparry from the ''Experimental'' features list
- Added A Parry Knockback Configuration Value
- Now the ''slidejump while on water'' configuration values are applied Properly
- Now Smash Will have 0 cooldown when you spawn in the game
- Added Dynamic Parry animations That Change Depending on Different Circumstances
- Fixed Parryng over 20 blocks of fall damage crashing your game
- Reworked the ''titanfall Slidehopping'' Config Option
- Added Dynamic Falling Blocks to Tier 4 Smash Explosions
- Added 11 new Advancements and reworked Most Already Existing Ones
- Further Optimized Some Assets of the mod for a smaller file Size
- And More! (i still haven't figured out how to make changelogs look decent tho)
added some extra config and fixed some bugs
reworked slide, added ''smash'', reworked airpower, reworked parry, and optimized mod assets
added a lot of new config and animations