LOTR: Renewed Extended Beta 1.7.2
on Mar 1, 2025(Beta 1.7.2) (Third update in the Bree-Land release cycle)
- Blocks
- Fixed Axes not mining Wattle and Daub blocks faster
- Ported Bree-land Banner
- Config
- Changed structureBlockOutlineViewDistance option from a float to an integer (will cause the value to reset to default)
- Entities
- Added Hireable Gundabad Orc Units
- Added Hireable Dunedain Ranger Units
- Fixed Structure Entity spawners not rendering debug viewer when in dev mode
- Ported Gundabad Chieftains
- Ported Ranger of the North Captains
- Hired Units
- Added a Datapack driven system for defining hired units (localization strings, coin cost, pledge requirements, alignment threshold, base gear pools) (This enable modpacks or servers to tweak hired unit parameters)
- Added a new setting in the options menu to toggle FriendlyFire with hired units owned by the player
- Fixed some compatibility issues with LOTR: Companions (for R+E1.7.2 + future companions update)
- Fixed units Friendly Fire not respecting fellowship FriendlyFire settings
- Fixed units being immune to ally (own) arrows or self lit TNT (enableable via PvHU setting)
- Fixed units health bars not hiding when F1 is pressed (hideGui)
- Fixed units not Fast Traveling with their owner
- Fixed units not being damaged by owners when Friendly Fire was enabled (enableable via PvHU setting now)
- Fixed units not dropping player supplied equipment when killed.
- Fixed units not dropping their 9-slot inventory when killed
- Fixed units reviving themselves with passive healing after death. (becoming undead)
- Fixed units teleporting onto non-solid or invalid blocks
- Fixed units teleporting while in mid air
- Made base equipment not render in inventory when player equipped armor is present
- Units can now equip skulls, player heads, pumpkins (all 3 variants), and elytra (visual only)
- Items
- Added Bree Shields
- Added a Bree Banner Pattern
- Added a Hobbit Banner Pattern
- Buffed Morgul Armor to balance it because it does not have the weapon breaking feature
- Fixed shears not shearing some blocks faster
- Nerfed Taurethrim armor stats to align with legacy values
- Localization
- Added an initial Bosnian language translation (bs_ba) (Bosanski (Bosna i Hercegovina))
- Added an initial Croatian language translation (hr_hr) (Hrvatski (Hrvatska))
- Added an initial French language translation (fr_fr) (Français (France))
- Added an initial Serbian (Latin) language translation (sr_cs) (Srpski (Srbija))
- Added localization support for all the hired unit inventory strings
- Fixed Bree-land strings using Bree-Land
- Updated Chinese (Taiwan; Mandarin) translation (zh_tw) (繁體中文 (台灣))
- Updated Renewed’s Chinese (Taiwan) speechbank translations (zh_tw) (繁體中文 (台灣))
- Updated Renewed’s Chinese (Taiwan) translation (zh_tw) (繁體中文 (台灣))
- Loot Tables
- Fixed Bree Hamlets chests sometimes spawning with 25+ bows in a chest
- Misc
- Added Gemstone grinding to the Stone Grinder (Ores->Gems for Extended, Renewed, and Vanilla gems)
- Added chair denied status debug logging to troubleshoot player issues
- Fixed Stone Grinder turning bricks into bricks
- Fixed several items being in the wrong creative tabs
- Fixed two Rohan advancements having flipped names
- Renewed Patches
- Fixed a bug where player alignment bars render even if Team disallows nameplate rendering
- Potentially fixed the elusive (Drystone/WattleDaub) connected texture crash (Thanks to everyone who reported this issue, was I was able to track down the potential issue that was causing it, TLDR: Java 9+ changed some things that caused texture queries to sometimes conflict causing a ConcurrentModificationException)
- Textures
- Added an all new designed Bree Banner and Shield texture
- Reworked the leather hat model
- Updated Dunedain Shield texture
- Trading
- Fixed Oddment Collectors selling vanilla emeralds
LOTR: Renewed Extended Beta 1.7.1
on Jan 21, 2025(Beta 1.7.1) (Second update in the Bree-Land release cycle)
- Blocks
- Added Crossed Wattle and Daub
- Added Large Flower Pots (every vanilla/renewed/extended pot placeable plant compatible)
- Added Mordor Moss Vines
- Fixed packed/bundled/carpet fur not being shearable
- Made Fur carpets/slabs/stairs/walls flammable
- Made Moss Carpets only place on solid blocks (no floating moss now)
- Entities
- Added Bree Guard Hired Unit
- Added Breeland Potter
- Fixed Barrow Wights getting stuck in cobwebs
- Fixed Trader respawners spawning NPCs without giving them items they normally hold
- Made Barrow Wights have a 1.9 block tall collision box, but a 2.4 block tall hitbox
- Ported Bree-Land Sheriff
- Ported Breeland Farmer
- Commands
- Fixed the confusing layout of the /fellowship command
- Config
- Added a server config global NPC spawn dampening option, defaults to renewed spawn rates (configurable via the lotrExtendedConfig command)
- Added a server config option to adjust the one-time wight spawn chance
- Added a server config option to disable stair/slab sitting
- Added a server config option to disable stair/slab sitting in protected areas
- Added a server config option to disable stair/slab swapping
- Features
- Added a chanced one-time forced wight spawn mechanic (kinda like legacy)
- Added ability for players to sit on stairs and slabs
- Added initial Hired Units implementation from LOTR:Companions (almost 1.5 years in works)
- Added proper light/extinguish ,mechanics for torches (Rclick water drink or bottle to extinguish, Rclick with match or flintNSteel to light)
- Disabled stone chest GUI opening if a wight spawned
- Fixed fellowship members not being able to leave the fellowship (only owners could remove people)
- Fixed fellowships not appearing in the fellowships list for the members
- Added Hired Unit Gui
- Added Unit Hiring Gui
- Items
- Added Chisels to the list of weapon rack displayable items
- Localization
- Fixed Fellowship command not being fully localized
- Loot Tables
- Added Loot Tables for Cups,Mugs, Goblets, and Ale Horns (drinks will be randomized in structure vessels going forward)
- Added Loot Tables for Plates (food will be randomized in structure plates going forward)
- Added Loot Tables for Weapon Racks (weapons will be randomized in structure weapon racks going forward)
- Added Stoneware Plates, Hobbit Pancakes, and Hobbit Crafting Tables to Hobbit bartender potential sells
- Added duck eggs/meat and plums to shire and ranger loot-tables
- Fixed Butter and Hobbit Pancakes being missing from their respective chest loot-tables
- Fixed a bug not letting Weapon Racks store a loot-table
- Fixed the damage for all equipment, weapons, and tools being inverted
- Misc
- Added 2 advancements from Legacy (33.1% currently)
- Changed save format of extended data file
- Fixed 1.7.0 making it impossible to left-click extinguish fire
- Fixed Orc Trapdoor and Orc Plating recipes conflicting
- Fixed boat crafting recipes giving four boats
- Fixed trading with Rivendell wanderer giving Hobbit farmer achievement
- Mossy Cobblestone can now be crafted using moss blocks and carpets
- Sounds
- Added use sound for Conquest Tables
- Structures
- Added Hamlets to Breeland
- Fixed Entity Spawners in structures bypassing safe spawning checks and raining down entities onto the ground (ranger watchtowers)
- Fixed a Gundabad Camp chest not having a loot-table
- Updated Barrow Downs structures with weapon rack loot-tables
- Updated Gundabad structures with weapon rack, plate and vessel loot-tables
- Updated Ranger structures with plate and vessel loot-tables
- Updated Shire structures with plate and vessel loot-tables
- Textures
- Added a dedicated item texture for Large Pots and Large Flower Pots
- Added new Arnor helmet model
- Added new textures for Arnor armor (worn and items)
- Fixed Goofy breaking particles for the Reed Basket
- Removed very outdated legacy texture pack
- Updated Wildberry item and block textures
LOTR: Renewed Extended Beta 1.7.0
on Nov 26, 2024(Beta 1.7.0)(First update in the Bree-Land release cycle)
- Blocks
- Added Ancient Rune block (two variants, use chisel to change)
- Added Large Clay Pot
- Added Moss Block and Carpet
- Ported the Stone Grinder (formally the millstone)
- Commands
- Added banner protection enable/disable option to the config command
- Entities
- Added Bree Wandering Merchant
- Barrow Wights take no fall damage
- Fixed Dunedain Ranger’s models not scaling correctly to their new height
- Fixed Gundabad Uruk Archer name missing "Archer"
- Orcs spawn wearing fur armor much less now
- Ported Barrow Wights
- Removed spears from the Dunedain Rangers spawn equipment pool and added daggers and more sword types
- Features
- Added 1.17 Moss block functionality
- Added Banner Protection
- Added Barrow Wight Fog
- Added Barrow Wight jumpscare
- Made Copper blocks provide an 8x8 banner protection range
- Added Barrow Down Biome+Label to ME map
- Made all-new Banner Configuration GUI (currently only four protection slots)
- Overhauled the Stone Grinder GUI
- Items
- Added Hobbit pancake with butter
- Added butter
- Made Warg fur helmets only obtainable from killing wargs now, not crafting
- Ported Hobbit pancake
- Ported Hobbit pancake with syrup
- Ported the Chisel
- Removed Morgul Spear & Dagger
- Localization
- Added Bree Merchant SpeechBanks
- Misc
- Added 73 new Stone Grinder recipes (slab/stairs/wall -> cracked variants)
- Added mossy drystone from cobbled drystone recipe
- Fixed Orc Trapdoor overriding Orc Bar recipe
- Structures
- Added barrows to the Barrow Downs (4 small,3 medium,3 large,2 giant)
- Fixed well ruins being surrounded by air pockets
- Sounds
- Added Duck walking (step) sounds (was using chicken step sounds before)
- Added a Cheese Wheel Slice sound
- Added new Barrow Wight spawn and death sounds
- Added new creepy/wight ambiance noises
- Added new sounds for rope breaking/placing/interacting
- Fixed cheese wheel playing slice sound on eating
- Updated Stone Chest close sound
- Textures
- Barrow Wights have all new textures and model
- Barrow Wights change texture and model when angry
- Hobbit pancakes have all new textures
- Moss carpets have frills on the edge
- WorldGen
- Added Moors grass to the Barrow Downs
- Added Moss to the Barrow Downs
- Ported Barrow Downs Biome
- Remains Ore now generates in the Dead marshes
- Remains Ore now spawns in swiss cheese like deposits
- Tweaked Barrow Downs colors
LOTR: Renewed Extended Beta 1.6.2
on Sep 23, 2024(Beta 1.6.2)
- Blocks
- Ported Skull Goblet
- Added Goblin Bricks and Pillar
- Added Goblin Brick Slab
- Added Goblin Brick Stairs
- Added Goblin Brick Wall
- Added Goblin Pillar
- Added Goblin Pillar Slab
- Fixed Rope dupping as fast as wild rabbits
- Fixed Stone Chest not using the new open/close sounds
- Entities
- Ported Gundabad Uruk
- Ported Gundabad Uruk Archer
- Made Gundabad Uruks spawn naturally in the same 5 biomes as it did in legacy
- Made Gundabad Orc Archers, Mordor Orc Archers, and Uruk Archers use the Orc Bow
- Made Entity spawners in structures hide in in f1 mode (in creative)
- Made Rangers a bit taller (to be more lore accurate)
- Items
- Ported Gundabad Uruk Bow
- Ported Banana Beer
- Ported Plum Kvass
- Ported Orc Bow
- Ported Gundabad Uruk Helmet
- Ported Gundabad Uruk Chestplate
- Ported Gundabad Uruk Leggings
- Ported Gundabad Uruk Boots
- Ported Gundabad Uruk Cleaver
- Ported Gundabad Uruk Spear
- Ported Gundabad Uruk Dagger
- Localization
- Overhauled High Elven Speechbanks
- LootTables
- Fixed Ranger bow drops not being damaged
- Fixed Gundabad Camp Wood Chest not applying damage to axes
- Fixed Banana Cake and Cheese Wheels not dropping when broken if not eaten
- Nerfed Hobbit Treasure Chest LootTable
- Misc
- Added 2 advancements from Legacy (32.6% currently)
- Changed Creative inv bow ordering
- Fixed Angmar tools and weapons only being craftable on the vanilla table, instead of the Angmar crafting table
- Fixed Carved Angmar Brick not having a stonecutter recipe
- Fixed all Renewed and Extended Carved bricks not having a 2-slab crafting recipe
- Added additional chiseled block recipes to tie into R+E crafting scheme
- Added Tags for coins for datapackers/modders
- Changed Galvorn Ingot recipe to use Elven Steel Ingots instead of Iron Ingots
- Fixed Advancements having incorrect icons, descriptions, titles, and alignment unlocks
- Fixed Morgul/Angmar/Dol Guldur weapons not harvesting man flesh
- Fixed Cake, Banana Cake and Pumpkin Pie not being craftable with duck eggs
- Made Fur Bundles craftable on the vanilla crafting table
- Made Near Harad a friend of Dunland (to be lore accurate to history)
- Structures
- Added Orc spawners to some well ruins, and more ranger spawners to several layers of the ranger watchtower
- Raised the default respawn time and minimum player distance for entity spawners in structures
- Textures
- Updated Dale armor item textures in the Redone Renewed resource pack
- Updated Dorwinion Elven armor item textures in the Redone Renewed resource pack
- Updated Harad armor item textures in the Redone Renewed resource pack
- Updated Harnennor armor item textures in the Redone Renewed resource pack
- Updated Ithilien Ranger armor item textures in the Redone Renewed resource pack
- Updated Umbar armor item textures in the Redone Renewed resource pack
- Updated Rohan Marshal armor item textures in the Redone Renewed resource pack
- Updated Dunlanding armor item textures in the Redone Renewed resource pack
- Trading
- Fixed quick stacking removing items directly from trade menu
- Fixed players from placing items in "Buy Items" inventory (causing a crash)
- Fixed Oddment collector missing two departure speech lines
- Raised Rivendell Wanderer’s required alignment to trade to 100
- WorldGen
- Fixed Berry Bushes(Plants) spawning outside of the Middle Earth dimension
LOTR: Renewed Extended Beta 1.6.1
on Sep 8, 2024(Beta 1.6.1)
- Added Bone Block Slab
- Added Bone Block Stairs
- Added Bone Block Wall
- Added Mossy Arnor Pillar Slabs
- Added Mossy Arnor Pillars
- Added Orc Steel Chain
- Changed Packed fur block tab (decoration->building)
- Ported Rope
- Added legacy ability for different bows to have different draw speeds
- Fixed Bow models rendering incorrectly in first-person view
- Fixed Ranger Bow and Longbows not being repairable. (Repairable with Bowstring now)
- Ported Orc Bow
- Added Trader Respawners (that floating coin thingy)
- Gundabad Orc Traders equip warg armor with same rarity as Gundabad Warg color rarity
- Made Ducks Spawn naturally
- Made Elven Traders properly hold coins in their hand
- Mordor Orcs can now spawn with Black and Brown Warg Fur armor
- Ported Blue Mountains Wandering Trader
- Ported Gundabad Orc Scrounger (found in orc encampments)
- Fixed Dunedain Banner Patterns not using accented Dunedain description
- Updated Chinese (Taiwan) translation (zh_tw)
Loot Tables
- Applied Random Damage to all Structure Chest loot-table's Armor/Tools/Weapons
- Overhauled Gundabad Camp Supply Chest loot-tables (32 -> 73 items)
- Added 1 advancements from Legacy (32.3% currently)
- Added 2 new advancements in Extended (18 currently)
- Added Gemstone Smelting Recipes for furnaces
- Added Recipes to convert between different torch types
- Added Warg Fur Armor and Bone Weapon/Tools to Gundabad and Isengard Orc equipment pools
- Allowed Melon and Pumpkin stems to grow Melons and Pumpkins on Barren Dirt
- Changed Advancement Colors
- Fixed Extended’s Bookshelves not supplying enchanting power to Enchanting Tables
- Fixed Java 9+ compatibility issues in renewed
- Fixed roast duck recipe unlocking from conkers
- Made Berries, Berry Bushes, Conkers, Roasted Chestnuts, Plums, Bananas, and Banana Bread compostable
- Made Cheese Wheels, Cherry Pie, Apple Crumble, Cake (vanilla mc cake) drop as an item if there a no bites when broken (normally they can never be picked back up once placed)
- Add new Unique Open/Close sounds for the Stone Chest
- Added Gundabad Encampments (6 variants)
- Disabled Large Hobbit Hole spawning due to issues with it
- Fix wood pallets incorrectly handling vanilla verticalized slabs
- Fixed Ranger Hideouts being in Lone Lands and Eriador (needs to be in forested areas)
- Remastered Orc Bow texture
- Synced Bow model speed to bow dependent Draw Speed
- Updated Bedroll texture
- Updated Gray and Silver Packed fur and Bundled fur block textures
- Updated Gray and Silver fur textures
- Updated Rope item texture
- Updated White and Black Packed fur and Bundled fur block textures
- Updated White and Black fur texture
- Updated all Warg armor models and textures
- Added 7 Missing Trades back to Hobbit Bartender (including Smoking Pipe)
- Added Depart and Death chat messages for wandering traders
- Corrected biome lists so all currently added Wandering Traders properly spawn in it’s legacy biomes
- Fixed client crash when shift-clicking on a sold-out trade slot
- Make spawn message match format of legacy
- Prevent wandering traders from spawning for players in creative or spectator game modes
- Updated shift-click buying only buying a max of 64 items, not ultra-maxing out your inventory
- Made Berry Bushes Spawn Naturally in approximately all the same legacy biomes
LOTR: Renewed Extended Beta-1.6.0-ReUploaded
on Aug 8, 2024(Beta 1.6.0)
- Added Banana Branch
- Added Banana Wood
- Added Banana Wood Slab
- Added Banana Wood Stairs
- Added Black Warg Fur Carpet
- Added Brown Warg Fur Carpet
- Added Gray Warg Fur Carpet
- Added Orc Barrel
- Added Orc Steel Door
- Added Orc Steel Trapdoor
- Added Plum Branch
- Added Plum Wood
- Added Plum Wood Slab
- Added Plum Wood Stairs
- Added Silver Warg Fur Carpet
- Added Stripped Banana Branch
- Added Stripped Banana Wood
- Added Stripped Banana Wood Slab
- Added Stripped Banana Wood Stairs
- Added Stripped Plum Branch
- Added Stripped Plum Log
- Added Stripped Plum Log Slab
- Added Stripped Plum Wood
- Added Stripped Plum Wood Slab
- Added Stripped Plum Wood Stairs
- Added White Warg Fur Carpet
- Made Conquest Table change texture by Shift-Click placing
- Made Conquest Table place directional
- Ported Blue Mountains Banner
- Ported Durin’s Folk Banner
- Ported Fallen Plum Leaves
- Ported Gundabad Orc Banner
- Ported Morgul Chandelier
- Ported Orc Chandelier
- Ported Plum Beam
- Ported Plum Beam Slab
- Ported Plum Button
- Ported Plum Door
- Ported Plum Fence
- Ported Plum Fence Gate
- Ported Plum Leaves
- Ported Plum Log
- Ported Plum Log Slab
- Ported Plum Planks
- Ported Plum Planks Slab
- Ported Plum Planks Stairs
- Ported Plum Pressure Plate
- Ported Plum Sapling
- Ported Plum Sign
- Ported Plum Trapdoor
- Ported Uruk Chandelier
- Added a command to set extended server config values in-game (sort of like /gamerules)
- Fixed a few issues with the fellowship command
- Added Ducks
- Added many Vanilla, Renewed, and Extended foods as duck feedables
- Implemented a system for making gendered mobs
- Made ducks use different textures based upon gender
- Made Trader GUI close when button clicked with low alignment
- Optimized the layout of the Options GUI
- Added Black Warg Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
- Added Bone Axe
- Added Bone Dagger
- Added Bone Hoe
- Added Bone Pickaxe
- Added Bone Shovel
- Added Bone Spear
- Added Bone Sword
- Added Brown Warg Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
- Added Cooked Duck Meat
- Added Duck Meat
- Added Duck eggs that ducks randomly drop currently how chickens work too (These duck eggs spawn baby ducks)
- Added Gray Warg Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
- Added Gundabad Banner Pattern
- Added Gundabad Shield
- Added Plum Boat
- Added Silver Warg Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
- Added White Warg Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
- Ported Plum
- Added Chinese (Taiwan) translation (zh_tw)
- Added dedicated speech-banks for a Hobbit Bartenders and Farmers
- Added localization for bow stats (damage, range, speed)
- Added localization for the entire fellowship command
- Fixed a typo with Dunedain Banners
- Updated Russian localization
- Added 2 new advancements in Extended (16 currently)
- Added 52 advancements from Legacy (31.9% currently)
- Added a message in the Fellowship GUI to use the command
- Added a setting for servers to require metal doors and trapdoors added by extended to be powered to open
- Changed Morgul Lantern recipe to use one Morgul Torch surrounded by Orc Steel Nuggets
- Enabled Renewed ResourcePack by default
- Fixed an issue with consuming advancements triggering by just holding the item
- Made Bedrolls, Branding Irons, and Orc Barrels use forge:leather tag in their recipes (allowing for modded leathers to be used)
- Tweaked Chest loot-tables across the board to reduce the rate of OP loot
- Updated Advancement Task/Goal/Challenge colors
- Updated Master Hunter advancement to use warg armors instead of fur armor
- Added all new Hurt, Death and Ambiance sounds for Ducks
- Added new Reed Basket Open/Close sounds
- Added General Ruin altar variants (12 small, 8 large, 4 grand)
- Added General Ruined Turret variants (4 versions)
- Added General Ruined Wall variants (7 states of decay)
- Added General Ruined Wells variants (10 versions)
- Added Gundabad Camps in all applicable renewed biomes
- Added Ruined Arnor Towers (12 versions)
- Added Ruins structures to the Trollshaws
- Finished DataDriven (dataPackable) Entity Spawner System for Structures
- Finished Dynamic Wood Pallets for Structures. (WIP since December) (All Vanilla+Renewed+Extended Wood pallets)
- Fixed Ranger Camp fir wood type sometimes spawning halved firepits
- Nerfed structure spawn rates across the board to spread structures out a bit more
- Tweaked Ruin pools to have make some structures spawn more than others
- Updated all relevant structures with the new entity spawner
- Finally added a model and textures to the Conquest Table
- Fixed Small banners having a dark shadow shading
- Remastered Blue Mountains Banner texture
- Remastered Durin’s Folk Banner texture
- Remastered Gundabad Orc Banner texture
- Remastered Morgul Chandelier texture
- Remastered Orc Chandelier texture
- Remastered Plum Wood type textures
- Remastered Plum texture
- Remastered Uruk Chandelier texture
- Added a tooltip that shows the cooldown and number of items left on a trade
- Allowed talking to traders even if you don't have the required alignment to trade/exchange coins with them
- Implemented new Wandering Trader system
LOTR: Renewed Extended Beta 1.6.0
on Aug 7, 2024(Beta 1.6.0)
- Added Banana Branch
- Added Banana Wood
- Added Banana Wood Slab
- Added Banana Wood Stairs
- Added Black Warg Fur Carpet
- Added Brown Warg Fur Carpet
- Added Gray Warg Fur Carpet
- Added Orc Barrel
- Added Orc Steel Door
- Added Orc Steel Trapdoor
- Added Plum Branch
- Added Plum Wood
- Added Plum Wood Slab
- Added Plum Wood Stairs
- Added Silver Warg Fur Carpet
- Added Stripped Banana Branch
- Added Stripped Banana Wood
- Added Stripped Banana Wood Slab
- Added Stripped Banana Wood Stairs
- Added Stripped Plum Branch
- Added Stripped Plum Log
- Added Stripped Plum Log Slab
- Added Stripped Plum Wood
- Added Stripped Plum Wood Slab
- Added Stripped Plum Wood Stairs
- Added White Warg Fur Carpet
- Made Conquest Table change texture by Shift-Click placing
- Made Conquest Table place directional
- Ported Blue Mountains Banner
- Ported Durin’s Folk Banner
- Ported Fallen Plum Leaves
- Ported Gundabad Orc Banner
- Ported Morgul Chandelier
- Ported Orc Chandelier
- Ported Plum Beam
- Ported Plum Beam Slab
- Ported Plum Button
- Ported Plum Door
- Ported Plum Fence
- Ported Plum Fence Gate
- Ported Plum Leaves
- Ported Plum Log
- Ported Plum Log Slab
- Ported Plum Planks
- Ported Plum Planks Slab
- Ported Plum Planks Stairs
- Ported Plum Pressure Plate
- Ported Plum Sapling
- Ported Plum Sign
- Ported Plum Trapdoor
- Ported Uruk Chandelier
- Added a command to set extended server config values in-game (sort of like /gamerules)
- Fixed a few issues with the fellowship command
- Added Ducks
- Added many Vanilla, Renewed, and Extended foods as duck feedables
- Implemented a system for making gendered mobs
- Made ducks use different textures based upon gender
- Made Trader GUI close when button clicked with low alignment
- Optimized the layout of the Options GUI
- Added Black Warg Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
- Added Bone Axe
- Added Bone Dagger
- Added Bone Hoe
- Added Bone Pickaxe
- Added Bone Shovel
- Added Bone Spear
- Added Bone Sword
- Added Brown Warg Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
- Added Cooked Duck Meat
- Added Duck Meat
- Added Duck eggs that ducks randomly drop currently how chickens work too (These duck eggs spawn baby ducks)
- Added Gray Warg Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
- Added Gundabad Banner Pattern
- Added Gundabad Shield
- Added Plum Boat
- Added Silver Warg Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
- Added White Warg Helmet, Chestplate, Leggings, Boots
- Ported Plum
- Added Chinese (Taiwan) translation (zh_tw)
- Added dedicated speech-banks for a Hobbit Bartenders and Farmers
- Added localization for bow stats (damage, range, speed)
- Added localization for the entire fellowship command
- Fixed a typo with Dunedain Banners
- Updated Russian localization
- Added 2 new advancements in Extended (16 currently)
- Added 52 advancements from Legacy (31.9% currently)
- Added a message in the Fellowship GUI to use the command
- Added a setting for servers to require metal doors and trapdoors added by extended to be powered to open
- Changed Morgul Lantern recipe to use one Morgul Torch surrounded by Orc Steel Nuggets
- Enabled Renewed ResourcePack by default
- Fixed an issue with consuming advancements triggering by just holding the item
- Made Bedrolls, Branding Irons, and Orc Barrels use forge:leather tag in their recipes (allowing for modded leathers to be used)
- Tweaked Chest loot-tables across the board to reduce the rate of OP loot
- Updated Advancement Task/Goal/Challenge colors
- Updated Master Hunter advancement to use warg armors instead of fur armor
- Added all new Hurt, Death and Ambiance sounds for Ducks
- Added new Reed Basket Open/Close sounds
- Added General Ruin altar variants (12 small, 8 large, 4 grand)
- Added General Ruined Turret variants (4 versions)
- Added General Ruined Wall variants (7 states of decay)
- Added General Ruined Wells variants (10 versions)
- Added Gundabad Camps in all applicable renewed biomes
- Added Ruined Arnor Towers (12 versions)
- Added Ruins structures to the Trollshaws
- Finished DataDriven (dataPackable) Entity Spawner System for Structures
- Finished Dynamic Wood Pallets for Structures. (WIP since December) (All Vanilla+Renewed+Extended Wood pallets)
- Fixed Ranger Camp fir wood type sometimes spawning halved firepits
- Nerfed structure spawn rates across the board to spread structures out a bit more
- Tweaked Ruin pools to have make some structures spawn more than others
- Updated all relevant structures with the new entity spawner
- Finally added a model and textures to the Conquest Table
- Fixed Small banners having a dark shadow shading
- Remastered Blue Mountains Banner texture
- Remastered Durin’s Folk Banner texture
- Remastered Gundabad Orc Banner texture
- Remastered Morgul Chandelier texture
- Remastered Orc Chandelier texture
- Remastered Plum Wood type textures
- Remastered Plum texture
- Remastered Uruk Chandelier texture
- Added a tooltip that shows the cooldown and number of items left on a trade
- Allowed talking to traders even if you don't have the required alignment to trade/exchange coins with them
- Implemented new Wandering Trader system
LOTR: Renewed Extended Beta 1.5.2
on Jun 25, 2024(Beta 1.5.2)
- Fixed a bug with bedroll events and players spawning in servers for first time
- Fixed Hobbit and Dunedain banner’s dropping incorrectly (double or nothing drops)
- Fixed a typo with Hobbit Banners
- Added more compat for Lotr: Companions
- Added server setting to disable fishing enchanted items in Middle Earth
- Remove broken hacky fishing loot-table
- Fixed structure block items being saved in some ranger tents
LOTR: Renewed Extended Beta 1.5.1
on Jun 21, 2024Blocks
- Added Hanging Bananas
- Fixed an infinite berry glitch with bushes
- Made Bedrolls not set the players spawnpoint
- Made banner size toggleable by shift clicking
- Merged Chestnut Flowery Leaves with Chestnut Leaves
- Ported Cracked Arnor Pillar
- Ported Cracked Arnor Pillar Slab
- Ported Dunedain Banner
- Ported Hobbit Banner
- Added more unique death loot-tables to traders
- Fixed Dunedain Rangers not spawning with Iron Swords and having a double rate to spawn with an Arnor Spear
- Fixed Elven Wanderers hair still showing despite them having hoods
- Added Banana Tree Gen to Banana Saplings
- Fixed Dunedain Bow and Longbow not having drawing animations
- Ported barrow blades
- Added Chinese translation
- Added Russian Translation
- Added Speechbanks for Blue Mountains Dwarf Archers
- Added Speechbanks for Bree
- Fixed Galadhrim Wanderer not having speachbanks
- Added 4 new (non-legacy) advancements
- Added 52 advancements from Legacy (7.8%) (Includes Assorted General, Eriador and Shire categories)
- Added Dunedain Banner Pattern recipe using the Dunedain Banner
- Added Trader (entity) buy/sell advancement triggers
- Added Trader item specific buy/sell advancement triggers
- Adjusted Berry Nutrition and Saturation values
- Adjusted Cheese Slice, Banana, Banana Bread, and Roasted Chestnut saturation values
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to make custom waypoints
- Adjusted ranger structure chest loot-table weights
- Added Arnor Ruins (3 variants)
- Added Ranger Forts, Encampments (with captain variant)
- Added ranger Structures to the Enedwaith biome
- Tweaked ranger structure spawn distances
- Updated ranger structures to have banners on both sides
- Added More Variations to Chestnut Flower Leaves texture
- Added More Variations to Chestnut Leaves texture
- Remastered Wood-Elven Armor Item textures (Renewed Pack)
- Changed Chestnut Leaves texture weights
- Fixed Jungle Mud Grass Snowy texture being gone (since beta 1.3ish)
- Updated Amber Block texture
- Updated Amber Ore texture
- Updated Amber texture
- Updated Banana texture
- Updated Black Uruk Ingot texture
- Updated Blackberry Bush texture
- Updated Blackberry Plant texture
- Updated Blackberry texture
- Updated Bowstring texture
- Updated Gilded Iron texture
- Updated Morwaith Crafting Table texture
- Updated Obsidian Shard texture
- Updated Pearl texture
- Updated Silver Coin (1) texture
- Updated Silver Coin (10) texture
- Updated Silver Coin (100) texture
- Updated Warg Bone texture (Renewed Pack)
- Fixed a few trader issues
- Restricted trading with traders to a set alignment threshold (trader specific value)
LOTR: Renewed Extended Beta 1.5.0
on May 16, 2024Blocks
- Added Ability for Weapon Racks to have loot-tables
- Added Aged Cheese Wheel
- Added Barren Dirt Slabs
- Added Bedroll
- Added Coarse Dirt Slabs
- Added Dirt Slabs
- Added Fallen Banana Leaves
- Added Fallen Chestnut Leaves
- Added Grass Block Slabs
- Added Grass Path Slabs
- Added Mycelium Slabs
- Added Ornate Golden Rohan Beams
- Added Ornate Rohan Beams
- Added Podzol Slabs
- Added Stripped Banana Log
- Added Stripped Banana Log Slab
- Bookshelves work as book storage (book, written book, writable book, red book, book of true silver, knowledge book)
- Changed the Cheese Wheel eat sound
- Ported Banana Beam
- Ported Banana Beam Slab
- Ported Banana Button
- Ported Banana Cake
- Ported Banana Door
- Ported Banana Fence
- Ported Banana Fence Gate
- Ported Banana Leaves
- Ported Banana Log
- Ported Banana Log Slab
- Ported Banana Planks
- Ported Banana Planks Slab
- Ported Banana Planks Stairs
- Ported Banana Pressure Plate
- Ported Banana Sign
- Ported Banana Trapdoor
- Ported Carved Black Umbar Brick
- Ported Carved Umbar Brick
- Ported Golden Rohan Beams
- Ported Rohan Beams
- Ported Weapon Rack
- Ported the Reed Basket
- Added 154 new entity name combinations for other races
- Added 309 new entity name combinations for Orcs
- Overhauled the Ranger of the North's speechbank
- Ported Galadhrim Wanderers
- Ported Ranger of the North
- Ported Rivendell Wanderers
- Made Cheese Wheels age (kinda like 1.17 copper blocks)
- Made Grass spread from Grass Block Slabs to Dirt Slabs and Dirt Blocks
- Made Grass spread from Grass Blocks to Dirt Slabs
- Made Mycelium spread from Mycelium Blocks to Dirt Slabs
- Made Mycelium spread from Mycelium Slabs to Dirt Slabs and Dirt Blocks
- Added 3 new banner patterns: Durin, Dunedain, Blue Mountains
- Added Aged Cheese Slice
- Added Banana Boat
- Added Bowstring
- Added Dunedain Shield
- Added Longbow
- Fixed Branding Irons not using durability when branding
- Fixed Taurethrim Sword not giving knock-back (club behavior)
- Ported Banana
- Ported Banana Bread
- Ported Banana Sapling
- Ported Dunedain Bow
- Tweaked the Morgul, Angmar, and Dol Guldur attack and durability values to align with legacy’s
- Tweaked the rendering positions of extended's bed items
- Add 114 missing stonecutter recipes for extended's blocks
- Add 3 missing stonecutter recipes for renewed's blocks
- Added Ranger Hideout Houses
- Added Ranger Hideouts
- Added Ranger Ruined Houses
- Fixed a crash when generating kegs in taverns
- Fixed the Large Hobbit Tavern bartender escaping the bar
- Fixed the Large Hobbit Tavern basement being blocked by dirt
- Ported Ranger Watchtowers
- Ported and Re-designed Ranger Camps
- Removed Large (Hobbit Hole/Tavern) from shire moors, white downs, and shire woodlands
- Added a remastered texture for mallorn swords to the renewed pack
- Added a remastered texture for the Blacksmith Hammer texture to the renewed pack
- Changed extended's beds break particle texture
- Fixed Mud Path Slab double slab graphical glitch
- Fixed Ranger and Hobbit Table Bottoms in Renewed Pack having invalid textures
- Fixed Wood and Log slab texture rotations
- Remastered All Banana Wood type textures
- Remastered Ranger Armor item textures
- Updated Amber Block texture
- Updated Amber Ore texture
- Updated Amber texture
- Updated Amethyst texture
- Updated Angmar's Tools, Weapons and Armor textures
- Updated Blackberry Bush texture
- Updated Blackberry Plant texture
- Updated Blackberry texture
- Updated Carved Dol Guldur Brick texture
- Updated Chestnut Leaves texture
- Updated Cracked Dol Guldur Brick texture
- Updated Dol Guldur Brick texture
- Updated Dol Guldur Crafting Table texture
- Updated Dol Guldur Pillar texture
- Updated Dol Guldur's Tools, Weapons and Armor textures
- Updated Galvorn Ingot texture
- Updated Gilded Iron Ingot texture
- Updated Mossy Dol Guldur Brick texture
- Updated Mossy Mud Brick texture
- Updated Pearl Block texture
- Updated Pearl texture
- Updated Topaz Block texture
- Updated Topaz Ore texture
- Updated Topaz texture
- Updated Wildberry Bush texture
- Updated Wildberry Plant texture
- Updated Wildberry texture
- Updated the Rivendell Armor item texture in the renewed pack
- Fixed a server crash when trading with traders
- Made Coins with custom NBT data not tradable