:bug: Bug Fixes
- pack-resources-cache: rare concurrent crash when cache packs (commit by @SettingDust)b266a01
- lazy-entity-renderers: crash with more mob variants (commit by @SettingDust)272766f
- lazy-entity-renderers: forge entity render dispatcher isn't applied (commit by @SettingDust)a2bb866
- lazy-entity-renderers: assign correct renderers to lazyyyyy (commit by @SettingDust)
:wrench: Chores
- deps: bump net.bytebuddy:byte-buddy-agent from 1.17.0 to 1.17.1 (commit by @dependabot[bot])
:sparkles: New Features
- lazy-entity-renderers: supporting bovines-and-buttercups (commit by @SettingDust)
:bug: Bug Fixes
- pack-resources-cache: error when loading cache causing stuck sometime (commit by @SettingDust)2f97e56
- lazy-entity-renderers: fix duplicating layers if mod iterate over all the renderers (commit by @SettingDust)bfe4396
- lazy-entity-renderers: allowing model depends on another in constructor by load the model if getting it (commit by @SettingDust)e4739b0
- lazy-entity-renderers: split out the renderers to compat with mods iterate the renderers (commit by @SettingDust)616dba1
- mixin config working with forge mixins (commit by @SettingDust)