The mod has been completely rewritten improving the system of blocking access to inventories that were already being edited, the detection and management of inventories of disconnected players and the screens of each container have been rewritten for better optimization and maintainability in the future.
If you find any problem do not hesitate to report it, I will try to fix it as soon as possible, before releasing this update for the other versions of the game.
- Added support to the inspection and modification of the cosmetics inventory of curios cosmetics.
- Added support for Backpacked mod backpacks.
- Fixed the problem that sometimes caused the quark and travelers' backpacks not to open when the player was disconnected.
- Added support to minecraft 1.19-1.19.4
- Fixed some bugs reported in the previous release for minecrfat 1.19.2
- Added support to minecraft 1.21.1
- Support to minecraft version 1.20.2-1.20.4
- The curios screen has been made rescalable with a minimum of 9 slots and a maximum of 54 slots.
Known bugs:
- If the target player is offline and either quark or travelersbackpack commands are used, several bugs occur due to the limitations of these mods when manipulating the items stored in their backpacks for offline players.
- Refactor Curios Code
- Fixed an issue where sometimes it would not let open a player's inventory notifying that it was already being used by another player.
- Fixed bug with the Inventorio inventory where the inventory items of the player executing the command were not correctly placed.
- Added the command /travelersbackpack <username> which allows to open the equipped backpack of the specified player in case he has one. (TravelersBackpacks Mod Backpack Support)
- Added the command /quark-backpack <username> which allows to open the equipped backpack of the specified player in case he has one. (Quark Mod Backpack Support)
Known bugs:
- If the target player is offline and either quark or travelersbackpack commands are used, several bugs occur due to the limitations of these mods when manipulating the items stored in their backpacks for offline players.
Added support to minecraft 1.19.2
NeoForge support
Added support to Inventorio
Added support to CuriosApi
Added support to minecraft 1.20.1