- fixed a bug with water shield
- Added russian translations (thanks to bec.)
- Added russian translations (thanks to bec.)
- Added metal cable
- Changed metal bind rendering
- Started work on metal bullets
- Added the metal bind ability
- Fixed lightning scroll not spawning
- Fixed water & earth models not rendering
- Added sources to jar to make it easier to make an addon
- Started work on a wiki
- Fixed bug where air scooter & bullets would stay after you changed element
- Fire arc has more "links" now which may make it look better?
- Fixed fire shield being removed if you were midair
- Made it so Elements are now registered with a hashmap, which means no more duplicate element shenanigans with addons (also faster lookup using the name of the element)
- Started work on metal bending
- Made it so metal benders can use metal in normal earthbending abilities
fixed recipes, structures and loot
Sources in jar??
- Port of 1.0.41 to 1.21.1
- finished blood bending
- blood control is less sensitive, so you are less likely to drop it
- fixed bending griefing not working with earth chunk
- earth mine no longer mines blocks that aren't bendable
- spirit projection no longer crashes the game when the distance between you and the decoy gets too high
- fixed bug that made it so you couldn't enchant books anymore
- added the witch stake, where you can obtain the blood scroll needed to unlock blood bending
- improved the Use section for airgust and flamethrower
- made earth mine cost less and mine more at a time
- blood bending scroll now has the correct tooltip
- fixed fire bending crashing the game
- fixed a critical bug that possibly affected saves
- fixed a critical bug that prevented normal server gameplay
- Fixed critical bug that messed with saving
- Fixed critical bug that prevented joining servers
- Fixed critical null bender bug
- tweaked jump abilities values so that it goes far less on the vertical axis (except air jump)
- made it so you dont get fall damage if you fall on an earth pillar
- made it so you cannot summon bending entities sicne you couldnt use them anyway
- added lang files for boomerang & dirt bottle
- made it so you can waterlog blocks with water abilities
- heavy buff to earth block & shrapnel
- nerfed earth abilities knockback
- nerfed fire bending in the rain
- tweaked dense effect
- fixed the volume enchantment being able to be put on anything with an enchanting table
- made it so if you hold earth mine, it will mine multiple blocks (up to 9) at the cost of extra chi (up to 100)
- made fire entities get deleted underwater
- made water tower a background ability
- fire wisp no longer grants levels
- you can now place wisps on other players
- finally fixed a bug where you couldn't change worlds without restarting
- Added the blood Control ability, which lets you control your enemies and fling them
- Added the Blood Shield, an ability that prevents living creatures from getting close to you
- Added the Blood Shot ability which gives your status effects to whatever it hits. It can also take status effects from potions in your hands
- Buffed lightning's overcharge ability
- Added the bloodstep ability which acts as a dash/jump
- Added the overcharge ability for blood bending, to keep it balanced, the time spent weaker is longer and harsher than it's lightning bending counterpart
- Added the Blood bag upgrade which allows you to use water bending without any water at the cost of some health
- Made Water shield need water
- Updated earth armor texture