- fix registry crash
- update 6 compat for 1.21.1
- update 6 compat
- The same thing as version h but with loggers removed, like it should have been done.
- foolproofs a bit more for the case where another mod also mixin into heatcondition/heatlevel. (fixing incompatibility with Destroy Addon on 1.20.1).
- As requested, adds the option to disable the feature where Basic Burners replaces passive heaters.
- As requested, adds the option to disable the feature where Basic Burners replaces passive heaters.
- Add fanSpeedRequired config, still 256 by default, but now you can change how much is needed to empower a Basic Burner.
- Add fanSpeedRequired config, still 256 by default, but now you can change how much is needed to empower a Basic Burner.
- Compat: If KubeJS Create addon is present, allows to use .lowheated() in recipes scripts.
- Fix 1.20.1 version JEI compat mixin.
- Fix burner's getting the wrong empowered state when placed against an max-RPM encased fan that's not facing it.