Removed aliases for pctake, pcsee, and pcseeother to fix a large bug.
- /pokeivs - View the IVs of the pokemon you're battling.
- Permission: cobblemonextras.command.pokeivs
PokeShout and PokeTrade will now show Form for a Pokemon.
- Aliases for pcsee, pcseeother, pctake
- /comptake <player> <box> <slot> - Delete a pokemon from a player's Computer.
- Permission: cobblemonextras.command.comptake
Servers can now force a player into their own wild pokemon battle.
permission: cobblemonextras.command.pokebattle
/pokebattle <player> <properties>
Example: /pokebattle Xwaffle Oddish shiny=yes lvl=44
Players can request to battle from a command remotely. No longer need to be next to each other.
permission: cobblemonextras.command.battle
/battle <player> Their opponent will then click Accept to start the battle.
Examples: /battle Xwaffle
Config Update
- Pokemon displayed in an Inventory for things like PokeSee and PokeTrade are now using their Sprite item instead of a PokeBall.
- Please note, I believe there was a small bug that is fixed by the Cobblemon team already that caused small lag for these items in bulk.
- Fixed bug with PC command, it was not following the permission listed in the README.
- There is now a config for modifying the default VANILLA permission level. I've attached the default config it generates for server owners. This will generate inside of
"permissionlevels": {
"command.poketrade": 2,
"command.pokesee": 2,
"command.pokeseeother": 2,
"command.pc": 2,
"command.pokeshout": 2,
"command.compsee": 2,
"command.compseeother": 2
Initial Release
Commands /pc - Open your PC from anywhere /pokesee - View a summary of your entire party. /pokeseeother - View a summary of someone else's entire party. /pokeshout - Put a summary of the Pokemon in your designated slot, in chat for others to see. /poketrade - Create a trade window with another player to trade pokemon back and forth.
Permissions By default in vanilla these commands require permission level 2.
cobblemonextras.command.compsee cobblemonextras.command.compseeother cobblemonextras.command.pc cobblemonextras.command.pokesee cobblemonextras.command.pokeseeother cobblemonextras.command.pokeshout cobblemonextras.command.poketrade