1.21.4 support - @blackd
fix mod not working with all types of boats
Support for 1.21.3 and 1.21.2 by @blackd
Known issues: doesn't work for all boat types
Update for 1.20.6 - 1.21
Update for 1.20.2 - 1.20.4
Instant Reversing:
⬇(configurable) will instantly rotate your boat 180 degrees!
Smart Centering
Pressing \(configurable) will instantly center your boat on the block its on.
If you're near a wall, you will be nudged off-center just enough to avoid crashing into it.
This automatically happens after primed turns by default.
Update to 1.20 Bump Version
port to 1.19.4
Fixes mixin conflict with Chat Walk that lead to crash.
Make sure to update Chat Walk at the same time!
Keep moving while chatting.
Allows you to chat while driving a boat.
If you open the chat while moving forward, it keeps moving forward for you.
Don't text and drive.
Fix issue with access widener not working
Donnt use, broken
- Turn priming now detects turns better; misses are now rare or gone
- Implement Velocity Maintenance system and config(thanks Obscure#3584 for helping me with the vector math here)
- Manual Snapping now rotates motion vector to snapped direction
- Config option added for Primed Turns rotating motion vector instead of zeroing motion vector(off by default)
- Add config for Manual Snap Key degree interval
- Users can now choose between snapping in 8 directions or 4
- Turn Priming and Manual Snapping now only apply on ice blocks
Misc Changes:
- snap key no longer cancels velocity
- cloth config is now listed as a dependency in
- updates mod description to match new featureset
- reupload mod with fixed MergedJar
Major Change:
- turn priming now disabled when server has a mod for opting out
Adds auto turn stuff with priming and stuff. Also adds a keybind to snap the boat back to cardinal directions.
- Make work when installed on Client or Server alone
- The mod itself
- Server Side Snapping
- Mod
- Server Side Snapping