- Added new loot tabels for bastion chests & fishermen villager.
- Changed non mob bucket stack sizes
- Regular buckets now stack to 64.
- Everything else stacks to 16.
- New stacking mechanics have been added to account for the new stack changes.
-Fixed another bug where if you bucket a saddled striger you get teleported to it's position and then fucking die most of the time.
-Fixed the bug regarding you not being able to ride striders.
- Added German translations by Lucanoria on github
- Fixed the bug regarding jellyfish buckets from WilderWild not working as they should.
- Added Golden buckets.
- Can be used to store any fluid of the same time upto three times.
- Crafted with 3 gold blocks and 2 ingots.
- Can only be used to carry fluids for now not mobs.
- Updated model predicates for several vanilla items.
- Axolotl bucket variants and ages are now physically visible
- Tropical fishes actually display their colors now.
- Some changes to old added items:
- Fixed animations bugs for slime and magma cube bottles.
- Additionally, Slime bottles have a new animation for when your in a slime chunk making them a great tool for finding them.
- Added model predicates for turtle buckets.
- Added cross mod compatibiliy for Jellyfishes from WilderWilds mod.
- Removed status effects stuff and moved the blistered vision effect to another separate mod called Magma Vision.
Fixed the bug where you are unable to pick up frogs in buckets.
Added a custom item model predicate for turtle buckets allowing you have two separate textures for baby and adult turtles with the same item.
- Fixed the bug where your not able ti ride the striders
- Fixed the bug where you are not able to ride striders when the mod is installed.
- Updated the mod to 1.21
Version 1.0.4:
- Updated the mod to 1.20.6
- Removed the faster movememnt speed in lava feature when you have the blistered vision effect on. (Temporary)
- Fixed the bug where clicking on the Slime and Magma cubes of wrong size will result in a continuous bottling sound being played.
Update 1.0.3:
Improved speed while swimming/walking underlava when using the blistered vision potion
Added Spanish translations by Celling
Added Italian trnaslations by Eravarn
Update 1.0.2:
Fixed the bug where using dry frog buckets would play the wrong sound.
Fixed some spelling errors and language translations.
Added support for 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.3, 1.20.4
Version 1.0.1
Added Turtle Buckets
Added Dry variants of frog buckets and the ability to carry frogs in both empty and water buckets
Added Missing Dispenser behaviors.
Added the Blistered Vision Potion and the Blistered Vision status effect.
- A new potion effect that improves the vision under lava and gives you 60 blocks of view distance.
- Brewed with a night vision potion and a bottle of magma cube.
Slime in a bottle item now acts as an alternative indgredient for Jump boost potions.
Moved the Rancher advancements from husbandary to adventure tab.
Added support for 1.20.1
Fixed a few language errors
Fixed the bug where if you bottle up a nectar covered bee or a bee that has stung you and you release it; it turns back into a normal bee.
Version 1.0: The initial release
Added Strider buckets.
- Right click on a strider with a lava bucket to get one.
Added Squid and Glow Squid buckets.
Added Frog buckets.
- They come in three variants: Temperate, Tropical and Tundra. Each corrosponding to the frog variant you bucket up, allowing you to transport frogs around your world much more easily.
Added Mob bottles and bottling
- You can now store small mobs like bees, silverfishes and slimes using a glass bottle :3
- The slime and magma cube bottles can be grinded down into 3 slime balls and magma cream respectively to ease up the grinding of these items.
Added possessed books.
- Allay and Vexes can be trapped inside a book.
- Shift + Right Click to trap an Allay (Remember to remove the item the allay is holding beforehand before you trap one or you might loose that item).
- And just right click to trap the vex.