Changelog 2.0.0
- Shields are similar to the old AS, but have some slightly changed mechanics (similar to Minecraft shield blocking) but also have special Perks and Weaknesses
⚠️Check wiki for more details on their mechanics and how they work
Changelog 1.0.0-release
- (Balance) Changed the charge time to be longer
- (Rework) Added a special attack (similarly to the old AS), that hits the enemies in a half circle in front of the player (damage is higher or equal to the scythe's damage)
Wooden Scythe
- Special Attack: 2 - 3
Stone Scythe
- Special Attack: 2.5 - 3.5
Iron Scythe
- Special Attack: 3 - 4
Golden Scythe
- Special Attack: 2 - 3
Diamond Scythe
- Special Attack: 3.5 - 4.5
Netherite Scythe
- Special Attack: 4.5 - 5.5
Biomass Scythe
- Special Attack: 3 - 3.5
Livingmetal Scythe
- Special Attack: 3.5 - 4.5
Bone Scythe
- Special Attack: 2 - 2.1
Soul Reaper
- Special Attack: ? - ?
- Netherite and Ender no more burn in lava
- Glaives are no more hitting through blocks
- Added smelting and blasting recipes iron & golden glaives
- Add ender upgrade in end city loot
Changelog 1.0.0-beta
- Moved items to normal creative tabs (kept the mod tab)
- Removed debug messages
- Glaive won't charge when looking at creep blocks
Changelog 1.1.0-alpha
Integrated the 16x ResourcePack directly into the mod
Changelog 1.0.0-alpha (Rewrite)
Big Swords
Wooden Big Sword
- Damage: 6; Attack Speed 1,2; Durability: 118
Stone Big Sword
- Damage: 7; Attack Speed 1,2; Durability: 262
Iron Big Sword
- Damage: 8; Attack Speed 1,2; Durability: 500
Golden Big Sword
- Damage: 6; Attack Speed 1,2; Durability: 64
Diamond Big Sword
- Damage: 9; Attack Speed 1,2; Durability: 3,122
Netherite Big Sword
- Damage: 10; Attack Speed 1,2; Durability: 4,062
Patchwork Big Sword
- Damage: 4.5; Attack Speed 1,2; Durability: 60
Skull Big Sword
- Damage: 5.5; Attack Speed 1,2; Durability: 206
Quartz Big Sword
- Damage: 7; Attack Speed 1,2; Durability: 374
Obsidian Big Sword
- Damage: 9.5; Attack Speed 1,2; Durability: 2,342
Glaives (Rework) Added a special attack (similarly to the old AS), that deals damage from 5 blocks away (damage is lower or equal to the glaive's damage), the charge damage is shown in the item
Wooden Glaive
- Special Attack: 3 - 4
Stone Glaive
- Special Attack: 3.5 - 4.5
Iron Glaive
- Special Attack: 4 - 5
Golden Glaive
- Special Attack: 3 - 4
Diamond Glaive
- Special Attack: 4.5 - 5.5
Netherite Glaive
- Special Attack: 5.5 - 6.5
Biomass Glaive
- Special Attack: 4 - 4.5
Livingsmetal Glaive
- Special Attack: 4.5 - 5.5