Ice Caves
In these caves of ice and snow you'll be able to find strays and slightly more lapis and diamonds but much less redstone.

Jungle Caves
Jungles are ideal conditions for cave spiders to live and the same is true for these overgrown caves covered in mud. You'll also find more iron here than other biomes.

Sandstone Caves
Near the surface these caves will be made of regular sandstone and have plenty of dead bushes and cacti.

Spider Nest in Sandstone Caves
You'll occasionally find underground nest of spiders and cobwebs. It contains loot but be careful around the spider eggs which can hatch into cave spiders.

Magmatic Caves
ou can find these rare caves at deep and fiery depths. You'll find scorching lava and magma, skeletons with flaming arrows, and Magmatic Zombies who have acclimated the the heat.

Ice Dungeon
Scattered underground are improved version of the vanilla box dungeon. These come in ice, jungle, desert, and magmatic variants.