- Bumped pack format to 66
- No longer compatible with Snapshots 25w02a - 25w05a
- Added 1 Tall Grass → 2 Short Grass recipe
- Added 1 Tall Dry Grass → 2 Short Dry Grass recipe
- Added 1 Large Fern → 2 Ferns recipe
This version is compatible with Minecraft Java Snapshot 25w06a.
Please report any issues or submit any feature requests on GitHub or Discord.
- Bumped max supported pack format to 64 for Java Snapshot 25w04a
- Added the following recipes:
- 1 Smooth Sandstone → 1 Sandstone
- 1 Smooth Red Sandstone → 1 Red Sandstone
This version is compatible with Minecraft Java Snapshots 25w02a - 25w04a.
Please report any issues or submit any feature requests on GitHub or Discord.
- Bumped max supported pack format to 63 for Java Snapshot 25w03a
- Added the following recipes:
- 1 Sandstone → 4 Sand
- 1 Cut Sandstone → 4 Sandstone
- 1 Chiseled Sandstone → 2 Sandstone Slabs
- 1 Red Sandstone → 4 Red Sand
- 1 Cut Red Sandstone → 4 Red Sandstone
- 1 Chiseled Red Sandstone → 2 Red Sandstone Slabs
- (Smooth Sandstone recipes coming in v1.3.0-beta3)
This version is compatible with Minecraft Java Snapshots 25w02a - 25w03a.
Please report any issues or submit any feature requests on GitHub or Discord.
- Updated for Java 1.21.4
- Updated credits.txt to correctly credit an accepted suggestion from Better Craftables & add a new accepted suggestion
- Added the following recipes:
- 1 Brick Block → 4 Bricks
- 1 Nether Brick Block → 4 Nether Bricks
- 1 Resin Brick Block → 4 Resin Bricks
- 1 Clay → 4 Clay Balls
- 1 Quartz Block → 4 Nether Quartz (#2)
This version is compatible with Minecraft Java 1.21.4.
Please report any issues or submit any feature requests on GitHub or Discord.
- Bumped min supported pack format to 60
- No longer compatible with Java 1.21.2 - 1.21.3
- Bumped max supported pack format to 61 for Java 1.21.4
- Updated credits.txt to correctly credit an accepted suggestion from Better Craftables & add a new accepted suggestion
- Changed format of pack description
- Added the following recipes:
- 1 Brick Block → 4 Bricks
- 1 Nether Brick Block → 4 Nether Bricks
- 1 Resin Brick Block → 4 Resin Bricks
- 1 Clay → 4 Clay Balls
- 1 Quartz Block → 4 Nether Quartz (#2)
This version is compatible with Minecraft Java 1.21.4.
Please report any issues or submit any feature requests on GitHub or Discord.
- Bumped pack format to 60
- No longer compatible with Java Snapshots 24w44a & 24w45a
- Updated credits.txt
- Added Quartz Block → Quartz recipe (#2)
This version is compatible with Minecraft Java Snapshot 24w46a & 1.21.4 Pre-Release 1.
Please report any issues or submit any feature requests on GitHub or Discord.
- Bumped max supported pack format to 59 for Java Snapshot 24w45a
- Added the following recipes:
- 1 Brick Block → 4 Bricks
- 1 Nether Brick Block → 4 Nether Bricks
- 1 Resin Brick Block → 4 Resin Bricks
This version is compatible with Minecraft Java Snapshots 24w44a - 24w45a.
Please report any issues or submit any feature requests on GitHub or Discord.
- Fixed advancements for Blue Ice → Packed Ice and Packed Ice → Ice recipes
- Updated credits.txt to correctly credit an accepted suggestion from Better Craftables
This version is compatible with Minecraft Java 1.21.2 - 1.21.3.
Please report any issues or submit any feature requests on GitHub or Discord.
- Bumped pack format to 58 for Java Snapshot 24w44a
- No longer compatible with 1.21.2 - 1.21.3
- Updated credits.txt to correctly credit an accepted suggestion from Better Craftables
- Changed format of pack description
This version is compatible with Minecraft Java Snapshots 24w44a.
Please report any issues or submit any feature requests on GitHub or Discord.
- Fixed links to issues & source code
- The latest compatible version of Minecraft is now listed in the mod file name
- Example: BetterUnpackables_v1.1.1+mod_mc1.21.3.jar
This version is compatible with Minecraft Java 1.21.2 - 1.21.3.
Please report any issues or submit any feature requests on GitHub or Discord.