All The Fabric 4
All The Fabric v4 prioritises performance using Fabric Loader API and integrates select mods from All The Forge v9, making it a versatile choice for Minecraft players who likes a mix of mods.
Kitchen Sink
All The Fabric 4 has been archived. All The Fabric 4 will not receive any further updates unless the author decides to unarchive the project.
All The Fabric 4 | Patch Notes
Be sure to always backup your world(s) before updating!
Minecraft 1.19.2 | Fabric Loader 0.14.19
Please be aware that All The Fabric 4 on Modrinth has excluded Twilight Forest due to licensing issues. Therefore, you will need to add it manually by downloading it from Here if you wish to join servers.
- Almost Unified (0.3.7 → 0.4.1)
- Applied Energistics 2 (12.9.2 → 12.9.3)
- Architectury API (6.5.69 → 6.5.77)
- BisectHosting Server Integration Menu (2.1 → 2.2)
- Drippy Loading Screen (2.1.1 → 2.2.0)
- FancyMenu (2.14.1 → 2.14.4)
- Iris Shaders (1.5.2 → 1.6.1)
- Paginated Advancements & Custom Frames (2.0.0 → 2.2.1)
- Pehkui (3.7.2 → 3.7.3)
- The Twilight Forest (4.2.335 → 4.2.357)
- Traveler's Backpack (8.2.17 → 8.2.18)
- Fixed interfaces and PPs not saving after inv changes.
- Fixed a terminal fluid dupe.
- Fixed facades not using the correct biome colours.
- Fixed an issue where you could plant multiple magic beans in the same block space.
- Fixed holding giant tools giving the player more reach for every interaction than just the tools themselves.
- Fixed memory slots not accepting items with different durability value.
- Fixed the block and chain not being repairable in anvils.
- Fixed the block and chain not properly disabling shields.
- Mushrooms no longer break when next to a portal.
- Decreased spawn chance of mobs with backpack.
- Updated Suggestions button URL.
- FuelInfo
- Adaptive Tooltips
- Connectible Chains
- Couplings
- Light Overlay
- Harvest with ease
- Sodium (CurseForge Only)
- Reese's Sodium Options (CurseForge Only)
- Sodium Extra (CurseForge Only)
- Iris Shaders (CurseForge Only)
- Indium (CurseForge)
Report any bugs & issues over at our GitHub Tracker
fabric-experiencebugfix-1.19-19.jarAdded via overrides
mcw-bridges-2.0.7-mc1.19.2fabric.jarAdded via overrides
morevillagers-fabric-1.19-4.0.2.jarAdded via overrides
cloth-config-5.3.58-fabric.jarAdded via overrides
RebornCore-5.4.0.jarAdded via overrides
paradise-lost-2.1.0-beta1.19.2.jarAdded via overrides
bewitchment-1.19-6.jarAdded via overrides
Controlling-fabric-1.19.2-10.07.jarAdded via overrides
TechReborn-5.4.0.jarAdded via overrides
WWOO-FABRIC- via overrides
OpenLoader-Fabric-1.19.2-15.0.1.jarAdded via overrides
extended-armor-bars-1.2.1.jarAdded via overrides
Clumps-fabric-1.19.2-9.0.014.jarAdded via overrides
fabric-quarry-1.19.2-1.0.3.jarAdded via overrides
ToastManager-1.19.2-1.0.1.jarAdded via overrides
axolotl-item-fix-1.1.4.jarAdded via overrides
Bookshelf-Fabric-1.19.2-16.2.18.jarAdded via overrides
defaultoptions-fabric-1.19-15.0.1.jarAdded via overrides
dim-height-1.1.2.jarAdded via overrides
TrampleNoMore-Fabric-1.19.2-9.0.1.jarAdded via overrides
All The Fabric 4 V6.mrpack(61.26 MiB) Primary
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