Gotta use this new year holiday to make a quick update
Who needs families and friends reunion when you can sit behind the desk and fixing bugs alone right?
General QOL Changes:
- Changed ALL cooldown type powers into resource type. This would make it more functional in Forge version. (And potentially bring some bugs that I couldn't even catch)
- Shift ALL powers under a fox/ folder. This would make it possible to make new origins in the future?
- A welcome message when you first choose this origin. With link to the Power wiki and fox setting function.
Active Skill [Pounce]
Changed Contents:
The restriction for Magnetoreception-Enhanced Pounce is reduced. You can now trigger it any time during the Hunting phase.
Fixed Bug:
For Forge version, the pounce hit effect should now trigger normally, instead of gone instantly if you pounce without jumping.
Passive Skill [Timidity]
Content Added:
You will now also fear Players / Mobs with tag "foxiefear" within 18 blocks
So, use < /tag [Playername] add foxiefear > if you want this origin to fear someone
Passive Skill [Foxiality]
Content Changed:
The Climbing Powder Snow sub power is shifted here
Fixed Bug:
Night Vision Strength was at 0.1 all along. Now it is at 0.5 as intended.
Hidden Skill [Fox Sound Pack]
Changed Content:
- Shifted all sub powers related to [Sleepin Mode] and [Fox hat] into the new active skill.
- The 2 successful interactions will give the interactor with "foxiefear" tag the "foxietrust" tag. This will stop the fear from triggering.
- However, if one with tag "foxietrust" hit the player with fox origin, this tag is revoked.
New Active Skill [Foxify]
Contents Added (From Fox Sound Pack):
- [Sleepin Mode]
- Fox Hat
Changed Contents:
- The active trigger for [Sleepin Mode] is changed (Ctrl -> Crouching + Ctrl)
- One more line added to the toturial, showing the commend of changing foxtype
Fixed Bug:
Unable to trigger [Sleepin Mode] (Cause: forgot to initialize the foxtype scoreboard lmao)
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Release channel
ReleaseVersion number
Game versions
1186Publication date
February 10, 2024 at 9:48 AMPublisher
