1.8.8 release changelog:
- feature: Thunder Bottle Display with dynamically updated bottle texture
- feature: Fire Freeze Timer F3/M3 and options for it
- feature: Hide Haunted Skulls from Soulweaver Gloves
- feature: old SBA detection on launch
- update: Frozen and Worm Bait
- update: Compact Jerry Power Ups on Compact Tab List
- update: modid closes #22
- update: new mining zones
- fix: Dolphin Pet Tracker fixes
- fix: Backpacks with skin shows 6 rows on Backpack Preview
- fix: reloadRes not reload completely
- fix: Treat Cobblestone and Quartz as ores for Rock pet tracker @qtlunya
- fix: Number Separators option should only be in General Settings
- fix: wrong version string ingame
- Backend overhaul
With this update, SBA now uses Mixins instead of ASM.
SkyblockAddons-1.8.8+224-for-MC-1.8.9.jar(4.99 MiB) Primary
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Game versions
117Publication date
April 16, 2024 at 10:17 PMPublisher