The nuclear update! Adds nuclear reactors, along with a lot of addition new stuff and improvements:
Add nuclear reactor variable-sized multiblock (visuals & animation will probably get overhauled soon)
Add 2 nuke blocks for different sizes
Add uranium ore / crystal / resource node generation
Add industrial chiller, new multiblock machine for creating ice
Add auxiliary processing chamber addon
Add the ability for the centrifuge to process normal and fluid recipes without having to remove the addon
Add the option to define a blacklist for the spawner controller (entity tag: 'oritech:spawner_blacklist')
Add energy transfer amount label to machine UIs
Add missing fragment forge parity recipes
Add data driven enderic laser recipes (with JEI/REI/EMI entries)
Add data driven enderic laser block boosting (using tag: 'c:budding_blocks')
Improve metal components textures (@BLOKBUSTR)
Reduce processing times for most machines
Improve docs for particle accelerators, tree cutters, desert wells, bedrock extractors, and a few more
Improve drone ports by adding addon slots and allowing fluid transport with fluid addons
Reduce resource node spawn rates
Reduce exosuit armor amount to iron-like
Improve enderic laser visuals, making the beam more centered on the model
Reduce desert oil well generation rates
Improve JEI plugin by adding a fluid slot tank background
Update overcharged crystal collision recipe to use energite instead of electrum
Reduce pulverizer sound volume
Update unholy intelligence texture to have a better matching inner color
Change plastic plates to use the 'c:plates/plastic' tag, update all recipes accordingly
Fix arcane catalysts not being boostable with enderic lasers
Fix particle accelerator collisions not being guaranteed in the first pass
Fix particle accelerator impact energy calculations being affected by gate distance (this might break some existing setups)
Fix portable fluid tank content tooltip not showing
Fix portable energy storages not auto-updating comparators
Fix sounds being played too often for fast/energy-hungry machines
Fix sounds not being positioned by converting all sounds to mono channel
Fix possible energy pipe crash
Fix exo armor / jetpack not having respective armor slot tags
Fix lasers not getting drops for AE2 certus quartz cluster (@VasariRulez)
Fix possible fluid insertion issues when changing fluids in centrifuge / fluid generators
Fix superconductors not always dropping when mined
Fix super long fragment forge ore processing times
Fix water display amounts in JEI and EMI recipes
Fix oritech fluids being fully transparent in some UIs on neoforge (e.g. JEI and Mekanism)
Fix invalid pipe extraction state updates on neighbor blockupdates (@aderoian)
Fix crash when using comparators on large energy storages (@aderoian)
Fix resource node generation issues in some biomes (@aderoian)
Fix possible crashes when rotating/mirroring machine addons
Fix possible caching issues with machine core connection when rebuilding machines
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212Publication date
December 28, 2024 at 10:21 PMPublisher
