Changelog 3.3:
- Reworked the crafting recipe for the Electric Heater.
- Added Steam Storage.
- Simplified crafting recipes in the Smeltery.
- Increased spawn rate of Apatite Veins.
- Added TOP Addon integration for ore veins.
- Added side rendering for the Ejector and Extractor when hovering over a machine.
- Added 3x3 mode for the Saber.
- Added Iaido mode for the Katana.
- Added Steam Boiler (Multiblock Structure).
- Added Steam Quarry.
- Added Advanced Steam Quarry.
- Added Steam Rolling Machine.
- Added Wire Insulators (from primitive to electric level).
- Fixed issues with the Current Converter.
- Added Electric Current Converter.
- Added Chargers (from steam-powered to electric).
- Added Charged Redstone and Quartz.
- Added steam animation for steam-based machines.
- Added Agrocultures.
- Fixed a bug where repairing a Steel Hammer was impossible.
- Multiblock rendering no longer depends on the Controller block, meaning the structure remains visible even if the player looks away from the main block.
- Fixed a client-side bug where attempting to open an interface could place a block virtually.
- Fixed a rendering issue with multiblock grids, which previously caused transparency or lighting problems.
- Moon Spooter speed increased from 5 minutes to 3.5 minutes.
- Crystal Grower speed increased from 10 minutes to 7.5 minutes.
- Production modules now enhance Crystal Grower speed more efficiently (from 12 ticks to 8 ticks per second).
- Added Bees, Apiaries, and Frames.
- Fixed font issues in the Graphite Crystal Grower.
- Fixed a bug with mineral vein extraction using the Analyzer.
- Fixed a bug where the Drilling Rig displayed the wrong mineral vein name.
- Added Steam Biogenerator.
- Simplified liquid crafting in the Smeltery.
- Simplified Smeltery crafting recipe.
- Fixed a bug with the Extractor and Ejector in the Fluid Mixer, Gas Mixer, and Fluid Adapter.
- Added a recipe to craft Bone from 4 Calcium Dust.
- Fixed a bug where steam machines would lose their crafting recipe after reloading.
- Added Bio-Multi-Machines.
- Added Anti-Clicker System for primitive machines.
- Increased the Primitive Pump's working radius from 1x1 to 3x3.
- Pressure Converter now consumes liquid automatically, without needing to stop first. If no liquid is available, pressure will drop.
- Changed the Redstone Generator recipe.
- Fixed a bug with the timer and hopper in the Primitive Crystal Grower.
- Steam Boilers are now faster.
- Fixed a bug where players had to hold Shift to create a multiblock structure.
- Fixed duplicate messages when attempting to activate a multiblock structure.
- Added new raw materials.
- Fixed FPS dependency issues in primitive machines' GUI mini-games.
- Changed the chance of losing resources due to incorrect soldering from 100% to 25%.
- Fixed a potential bug in the Circuit Programming Table when clicking on the edge of the scrollbar.
- Updated the GUI of the Matter Assembler to match the new style.
- Increased the upgrade slot count for Ejectors and Extractors from 6 to 9.
- Updated the Reactor Simulator to match the new style.
- Added a full model for the Blast Furnace.
- Added visual effects for the Blast Furnace.
- Added raw metal variants and their liquid forms.
- Added a Strong Anvil.
- Added a Refractory Furnace.
- Added a Mini Smeltery.
- Removed redundant uranium recipes.
- Added an Electric Refractory Furnace.
- Added a Wind Turbine.
- Added a Hydro Turbine.
- Increased operational duration of Neutron Protector and Proton Energy Connector.
- Added a Gas Turbine.
- Fixed a bug with panel module switching for multi-mechanisms.
- Fixed a bug where machines with multiple outputs would keep working even if one slot was full.
- Fixed a bug where Wooden and Steel Tanks couldn't be filled using a hopper.
- Fixed a visual bug displaying the Fertilizer slot incorrectly in the Autonomous Farm (when using more than 3 modules).
- Fixed a bug with receiving incorrect products in the single liquid adapter.
- Fixed a bug with repeated liquid consumption in the liquid adapter.
- Optimized panel rendering in the panel combiner.
- Fixed a bug in the panel combiner where placing a panel in a slot with an existing panel did not update the data.
- Reworked the FluidUtil library for capsules.
- Added steam turbines.
- Added a chicken farm.
- Added a sheep farm.
- Added a cow farm.
- Added a tree nursery.
- 9th-generation power grid.
- Optimized the magnet.
- Added a tree destroyer.
- Added a cactus farm.
- Added a pig farm.
- Added an electric brewing station.
- Added a sawmill.
- Added a stone type generator.
- Added a plant fertilizer.
- Added a plant collector.
- Added a plant nursery.
- Added a plant purifier.
- Added a pesticide.
- Added a weeder.
- Added a bee apothecary.
- Added a bee product collector.
- Slightly optimized the packet system.
- Slightly optimized the crafting addition system.
- Optimized the autonomous recipe addition system in the solid matter converter.
- Ore vein generation is now faster and less demanding.
- Small stones no longer glow in the dark (smooth lighting is now working correctly).
- Accelerated tile registration.
- Accelerated tile loading in the world.
- Changed the logic of universal wires (now you need to use corresponding wires to connect them).
- Fixed a bug where an ore vein could spawn slightly in the air in a mountain biome.
- Completely reworked the trading machine mechanics.
- Reworked the logic of tile connections to item and liquid pipes.
- Added a multi-energy mode to Power Utilities in the config.
- Reworked the nuclear bomb explosion.
- Radiation no longer accumulates if protective armor is worn.
- Added genomes for bees and plants.
- Added a centrifuge.
- Added an incubator.
- Added an isolator.
- Added an RNA assembler.
- Added a shapeshifting transcriptor.
- Added a mutatron.
- Added a genetic stabilizer.
- Added an inoculator.
- Added a genetic replicator.
- Added a genetic transposer.
- Added a genetic polymerizer.
- Added a genome extractor.
- Slightly optimized recipe searching.
- Added basic item and liquid pipes (they only connect to other pipes, without input or output).
- Added inventories to item and liquid pipes depending on the side.
- Added a red signal mode (transmits when there is a signal).
- Added new item and liquid pipes (with conductivity).
- Added a gas well.
- Changed the interface in bags.
- Changed the interface in the coke oven.
- Changed the interface in the chemical plant.
- Changed the interface in the geothermal pump.
- Changed the interface in the solid matter converter.
- Fixed the interface in solar generators (generation description shift).
- Added a deflector shield.
- Added panel acceleration.
- Optimized data saving.
- Optimized the client when viewing the usage of solid matter for an item.
- Optimized the client when viewing the usage of liquid matter for an item.
- Added a relocator.
- Added a holographic space display.
- Added rockets.
- Added satellites.
- Added probes.
- Added rovers.
- Added research lenses.
- Simplified the logic of modification modules.
- Slightly accelerated mod startup.
- Fixed pollution effects on the player (it was not working).
- Fixed a pressure bug in mechanisms (it was possible to insert an automatic heating sensor).
- Added an experience system in some primitive machines (the more recipes completed, the faster crafting will become).
- Added brewing.
- Added multi-greenhouses.
- Added a 2x-4x molecular converter.
- Any ingots can now be melted in the smeltery.
- Added a graphical interface for the fuel tanks of the smeltery.
- Fixed a bug in the smeltery where, if the first tank had no liquid, it wouldn't take liquid from other tanks.
- Added a "split" mode in the smeltery.
- Added an agro-analyzer.
- Added a bee-analyzer.
- All blocks in multiblock structures now correctly align when assembled (rotation is now correct).
- Added a darkness converter.
- Simplified the crafting of daily glass in the double molecular converter.
- Added a dark converter.
- Reduced the cost of coolant from 10,000 mB to 8,000 mB.
- Added dark wire.
- Fixed a bug in the primitive rolling machine where the required item count for a recipe could be ignored.
- Added upgrade slots for the circuit programming table.
- Fixed a bug in nuclear fusion related to radiation consumption by the mechanism.
- Fixed a bug with the stack module.
- In the liquid cooler, the output in recipes using hot coolant has been changed from water to coolant.
- Changed the crafting recipes for item and fluid pipes.
- Fixed a bug where upgrade kits for panels worked incorrectly.
- Reactor output level now depends on generation.
- Fixed a bug where the liquid reactor did not generate energy when in the red zone.
- Added upgrade slots for the night absorber.
- Fixed the "tap strength" modification module.
- Reduced the crafting cost of reactor casings by half.
- Added a redstone ore vein.
- Slightly increased the size of ore veins.
- Added a crafting recipe for the peat generator.
- Steam mechanisms can no longer be rotated with a wrench.
- Added a display of loot from machines.
- Reduced the hardness of some blocks.
- Fixed the description in the coke oven.
- Added an improved coke oven.
- Increased the speed of the soil purifier by 10 times.
- Added the ability to use productivity modules on the soil purifier.
- Increased the air purification speed of the air purification station.
- Added the ability to view the number of productivity modules via TOP Addons.
- Changed the crafting recipes for mechanical casings.
- Added TOP Addons integration to some machines for viewing recipe progress.
- Fixed the upgrade list behavior for the puller and pusher modules.
- Fixed the functionality of the puller and pusher modules.
- Added pollution to machines that previously didn't have it.
- Added descriptions for machines and tooltips when hovering over them.
- Increased the fertilizer crafting output from 4 to 8.
- Reduced the amount of fertilizer required for autonomous farms from 1 fertilizer = 16 to 1 fertilizer = 8.
- Reduced the percentage of radioactive ore veins that emit radiation from 100% to 25%.
- Radiation is now removed from the player upon death.
- Added a new sound for steam machines when a crafting failure occurs.
- Reduced the chance of obtaining a casing when dismantling from 20% to 10%.
- Increased the chance of obtaining diamond and emerald ore from crystal ore.
- Added a steam liquid heater.
- Changed the crafting recipes for thermal and cooling pipes; now crafted per era, and instead of 1 item, 4 are crafted.
- Changed the crafting recipes for cooling modules and the auto-heater.
- Changed the crafting recipe for quantum cable; now crafts 2 wires instead of 1.
- Changed the crafting recipe for the rotor module template.
- Added fluorine lake generation in ocean biomes.
- Fixed a bug where the analyzer module could be placed in an incorrect slot in the quantum quarry.
- Added an electric lightning rod.
- Fixed a bug where breaking stones with a hammer had a reversed probability.
- Fixed a bug with multiblock tanks.
- Fixed a bug with input item substitution in some machines with fluids.
- Fixed a bug where using the de-planer could cause chunk loading issues.
- Fixed a bug where the charging speed on the plate was higher than in the slot.
- Fixed a bug in the recycler when working with a double recycler box.
- Removed integration with ExNihilo.
- Fixed a bug with multiblocks where desynchronization could occur upon first assembly.
- Removed the reverse crafting recipe for the "panel type" module back into a panel.
- The photon autonomous farm no longer overheats.
- Removed integration with Forestry.
- Removed integration with ProjectE.
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February 21, 2025 at 11:50 PMPublisher