- Fixed: Text elements don't render in Drippy Loading Screen
- Fixed: Unable to open Resource Pack Screen via 'opengui' action in some MC versions
- Fixed: Very rare bug related to a task executor that caused a NullPointer error spam in the log
- Fixed: MC 1.12: Scroll grabber of text elements is invisible when setting a grabber texture
- Changed: Disabled customizations for GUIs of "Screenshot Viewer" mod, because it caused crashes
- Added: Ukrainian translation by BurrConnie (Thank you!)
- Added: Russian translation by dardRus (Thank you!)
- Added: Config option to reset specific variables on game launch (comma-separated list with variable names)
- Added: Multi-action support for custom buttons (it's now possible to let buttons execute multiple actions without using a button script)
- Reworked: Completely reworked Visibility Requirements
--> They are called "Loading Requirements" now, because the last months made them evolve into more than just visibility controllers (they handle tickers, audio elements, etc.)
--> You can now add multiple instances of the same requirement type to one element/layout
--> "Show If" and "Show If Not" requirement modes are now called "NORMAL" and "OPPOSITE"
--> Added Requirement Groups
----> Requirement groups can hold multiple requirements to basically make them one big requirement
----> Groups have two modes to control how they should handle their child requirements
------> In 'AND' mode, all of its requirements need to return TRUE for the group to return TRUE (which basically means "Yes, show this!")
------> In 'OR' mode, only one requirement needs to return TRUE for the group to return TRUE
--> New fancy GUIs to manage requirements!
- Reworked: Manage Actions GUI (when managing actions of buttons and tickers)
--> You can now re-order actions
--> You can now add new actions directly in the Manage Actions screen
- Improved: Most text inputs now open an in-game TEXT EDITOR to easily edit content
--> Especially useful when working with placeholders, since the text editor highlights them
- Fixed: Advanced sizing/positioning of custom buttons not correctly saving/loading in the layout editor
- Fixed: Text elements sometimes throwing errors due to getting updated asynchronously
- Fixed: Crash when pressing Done after rapidly clicking 'closegui' action in button action screen
- Fixed: Selected button action in Manage Actions screen can change when clicking on button in popup
- Fixed: Text Input Field element sometimes not correctly updating its content when its variable gets reset
- Fixed: Player element buttons to toggle crouching and nickname have the same tooltip
- Fixed: No warning in Save Layout screen when using bad/unsupported characters in layout name
- Fixed: Deleted/hidden vanilla elements get visible again if a layout with them not deleted is loaded after the layout that deleted them
- Fixed: Hover label shows when hovering over disabled vanilla buttons
- Fixed: Hover sound plays when hovering over disabled vanilla buttons
- Fixed: MC formatting codes (color, bold, etc.) sometimes not working in placeholders
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226Publication date
April 4, 2023 at 5:04 AMPublisher