1.18.12 - 12th May 2024
- Ported to NeoForge/Fabric 1.20.6
Change with respect to the Armored Paw Drop
Integrate Offical Wolf Variants for DTN Dogs:
- Each dog will now be one of the Offical Variants released: [Pale, Chestnut, Striped, Rusty, Woods, Ashen, Snowy, Spotted, Black]
- The Variant system implemented on the Dog will be independent from the Skin system. The corresponding texture of the variant the dog is will be rendered instead of the usual Pale skin when custom skins are not used, in other words, when the dog use the "Classical" skin or using a Missing skin, or when player forced always_render_classical=true in config.
- The Variant will be shown in the Dog Info GUI regardless if the Dog have Custom Skin on or not.
- (Configurable) Dog summoned from Doggy Charm will be a random variant instead of just being Pale.
Integrate Wolf Armor for DTN Dogs (1.20.5+)
- DTN Dogs can wear Wolf Armors, the procedure is reflected from vanilla: Right-Click with a Wolf Armor to equip it on the Dog. Right-Click with a Armadillo Scute to repair the Wolf Armor that the Dog is wearing. Right-Click with a Shear to remove the Wolf Armor from the Dog if wearing any. Dog can also wear Dyed Wolf Armor.
- The Wolf Armor System is seperated and independent from the current Dog Armor System meaning, it is more related to the Accessory System (which is also indepedent of), meaning that this won't conflict with Doggy Armor or the Accessories. The Dog (as current) can wear BOTH Wolf Armor AND Dog Armor (Player Armor + Doggy Armor) but the Dog Armor will not take effect when when the incoming damage is absorbed by the Wolf Armor.
- The Wolf Armor also count towards the Dog "Nakey-ness"
- Beside the vanilla way, player can also Equip/Remove the Wolf Armor of the Dog via its Dog Accessory GUI like one may do when adding/removing Accessories.
- When a Dog is wearing Wolf Armor, the health shown in the Dog Info GUI will be [The dog remaining HP]+[Wolf Armor durability left]
When a Vanilla Wolf is trained into DTN Wolf:
- It retains its variant.
- It retains its Wolf Armor if wearing any. (1.20.5+)
- It's Thick Collar will also be retained instead of the usual thin one. (1.20.5+) ======================================================
Push Resisting mechanic Overhaul
- Instead of forcing Zero delta Movement, the move speed will be capped at a magnitude when Dog is idle resisting push
- Dog won't resist push while is actually in hurting zone (ex: In lava itself) allowing players to push Dog out. Dog will continue to not resist for 1s after being out of hurting area. ======================================================
Ranged Attack Mechanic for dogs
Dog can now carry out Ranged Attack aside Melee Attack.
Currently, this behaviour is available via the Doggy Tools Talents where if a Dog is holding a Bow with any Arrows in its Hotbar OR Pack Puppy Inventory, it will switch to Ranged Attack mode, and utilize the Bow to carry out the attack. ======================================================
Dog Greeting Owners now also play a Cute Greet Anim while jumping around the Owner.
Tune Greeting Owner Anim/Jump frequency. New advancements ======================================================
"Don't Worry! It's Sterile." - Apply a Bandage on an Injured Dog.
"A Full Recovery!" - Aid an Injured Dog to recover.
"The Best Dog-tor!" - Aid an Injured Dog to recover in the Best Condition. ======================================================
Remove Cut-Corner mechanic for Dogs.
According to analysis and also the fact that the Dog hitbox width was never intended to exceed 1 block in the first place, the Cut Corner mechanic is now redundant and as observed, is the cause of some incident when the Dog trips and fall when doing sharp turn. This significantly improve the Dog pathfinding reliablity with minimal side effect.
Remove Nutrition Limit when feeding Dog Meat food, allowing dogs to eat certain Meat food again
Rotten Flesh however, is strictly prohibited.
The Tag which shows the Dog's Owner when a player is Sneaking
will no longer shown to the player if he is the Dog's owner.
Hellhound Max now Immune to Freezing and can Melt Powered Snow.
Incapacitated Dogs now Whine less when still being gravely injured,
and being completely silent for the rest of the time, additionally the whining volume is significantly diminished to paint the state where the dog is half-unconcious and being too weak to do a normal whine. The dog whine frequency and volume will also be increased by a certain when the Dog is bandaged since it regained conciousness but still in pain.
Organized DTN Advancements.
Revert Ammy and Hayabusa Model to Classical Style to be consistent with the rest of the Kusa(s)
and compatible with Wolf Armor.
Rebrand Incapacitated into Injured.
- Fix Fire Drill Dogs cannot execute Stop Drop Roll.
- Remove Client Tickable skin function, which caused unknown bugs for both modloaders.
- Fix Dog Client Skin being selected to MISSING even when CLASSICAL is selected.
- Fix Amnesia Bone being unable to untame Dogs.
- Fix Dog navigation won't stop when DogMoveBackToRestrict stop.
- Fix Dog Horzontal Danger detection mechanic
- Fix dog cannot Heal by Saturation when Hunger is disabled.
- Fix Dog ocassionaly stand up and stay still after owner logged out.
1.18.13 - 25th May 2024
The Wolf Variant Triplet of DTN!
Cherry Wolf - Spawns in Cherry Grove
Himalayan Salt Wolf - Spawns in Jagged Peak
Lemony Lime Wolf -Spawns in Beaches
All above variants have a spawn rate the same as Snowy (with spawn weight of 1 and max pack size of 1) making them also very rare!
Fisher Dog Talent:
Dog no longer query the FISHES tag which includes cooked fish causing non-hellhound dog to get cooked fish.
When Maxing the Talent:
New Ultimate Form! Your dog will wear a cute little hat!
Your dog now has the ability to fish up treasure loot!
New Skin Variant! : Ranga.
#Improve Dog Navigation. #Improve Hellhound attack while in Lava. #Improve Doggy Tools Ranged attack. #Dogs no longer prioritize skeletons when in Berserker Mode. #Dogs will avoid Powdered Snow.
- Fix and Improve: Dogs don't run away while in fire.
- HOTFIX: Canine Tracker can only be used once.
- Fix: Normal Dogs can't Freeze, while Hellhound can.
- Fix: Normal Dogs can breathe underwater, while Swimmer Dogs can't.
- Fix: Injured Swimmer Dogs don't float.
- Fix: Sit Animation flickers.
- Fix: Dog will go and sniff area outside of zone restricted by Wandering/Patrol Mode.
- Fix: Dog backflip underwater.
- Fix: Dog beg for Fish despite not having Happy Eater.
- Fix: Game crashes when Dog tries to attack Tameable Mobs.
1.18.15 - 29th May 2024
New DTN Wolf Variant!
- Bamboo Wolf - Spawns in Bamboo Jungle
They, like the previous DTN Wolf Variant Triplet, spawn rarely.
New Advancement!
- "The Whole Pack - Ossia" : Tame one of each of the wolf variants listed below [Chestnut, Striped, Bamboo, Woods, Himalayan Salt, Cherry, Lemony Lime, Black, Pale]
New skin:
- Norfolk Terrier.
*Directly training Vanilla Wolf to DTN now counts towards "The Whole Pack"/"The Whole Pack - Ossia" advancement too!
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