🏳️🌈 Better Enchanting Mod (For Fabric/Quilt)
Welcome to Better Enchanting for Minecraft. This mod is a total rework on how enchanting is managed in Minecraft. The whole enhanting porcess is closer to a skill-tree now, and enchanted books have totally disappeared from the game. The idea behind the mod is to tie more closely enchanting to exploration and to the game progression. Gone are the days where you could be fully kited before fighting the ender dragon.
Most of the credit for the mod idea goes to LuxyHugs and more precisly this video :
🧰 Installation
This mod needs to be installed on both client and server sides and requires the Fabric or Quilt loader. Thier might be a port to NeoForge latter. The mod is designed around Minecraft 1.21+ and will most likely never be backported as the version reworks how enchantments are handled internally. The mod also use the Fabric API.
About the Beta
This mod is still in beta as i will make frequent™ changes to the mod for balance or new fonctionalities. Be sure to stay up to date ;)
📖 Content
The main thing that this mod does is to overhaul the enchanting tab from the vanilla enchanting table. As it taps directly into vanilla Minecraft, to use this mod you just have to craft and use the enchanting table. The UI is completely changed and will display all available echantments for the item you put in the enchanting slot. Do note that, as in vanilla, more bookshelves around the enchanting table will result in higer enchantment visible. A third slot is now visible, it is the "Enchantment Ingredient" slot. Each enchantment now needs a unique item (or block) to be applied, in addition to the Lapis Lazuli and experience level.

Most of the items are vanilla items, but for the higer enchantment tiers and for the treasure ones, the enchantment material is either a material that only spawns in specific places (like Ancient City->Swift Sneak) or that must be crafted at a cost (e.g., Protection IV requires an "Essence Of Protection" that must be crafted).
The mod is compatible with the official Datapack for Villager Trade Rebalance. As of now, available trade for villager is the same for each biomes but this should soon™ be changed.
Other changes
- Anvils no longer require XP to repair items (but still do for renaming).
- It's no longer possible to combine two enchanted items.
- I've added Upgrade Smithing Template for Iron and Diamond. Meaning you can upgrade your stone tool to Iron and your Gold or Iron tool to Diamond. It's a bit expensive though.
- Librarians no longer sell enchanted books, but may sell enchantment ingredients of various rarities instead.
- You can't find enchanted books anywhere, their spawns have been replaced with their respective enchantment ingredients. Due to the anvil rework, you can no longer apply enchantment books to an item. (If configured properly, this apply to any other mod's enchantments too).
- Most tools can be enchanted with their "secondary enchantments" (e.g., Efficiency on sheer or Thorns on all armors), and axes can be enchanted with most of the Swords enchantments.
- Added an "Enchantment Catalyst" that can store enchantemnts removed at the Grindstone and be use at the anvil, same as enchanted books.
⚙ Configuration and compatibility
You can find a configuration file named enchantment_ingredients.json
that lets you edit which ingredients should be used for each enchantment.
You can reference any items from Minecraft or another mod as long as you follow the standard naming convention modName:item_name
This should have some "soft compatibility" with any mod that add enchantments to the game. You will have to insert a line for each new enchantment added by these external mods.
Aditionaly, you can disable any enchantment to be visible in the enchanting table via configuration. Most value use in the calaculation of enchantment cost in XP, Lapis and Items are also configurable.
This mod has full compatibility (with custom items and recipes) for the following mods :
📑 Planed features
In mostly that order these are the features that i'd like to add
- 🌍 Localization (currently support English, French & Portuguese-(Brazil)). Feel free to help with this one :)
- Full compatibility with some of the most popular enchantment mods
- Compatibility with mod adding more than 5 levels of enchantments.
- Full compatibility with some popular mods that add way of obtaining enchanted books or uses for them.
Full "soft compatibility" with other enchantment mods, via config files.✔️Different visuals for each enchantment book in the enchanting UI tree.✔️ (All books textures are dynamicaly drawn, so any mod that change enchanted book textures will also affect the ones drawn in the Enchanting Table).Better customization of the mod to allow fine-tunning of the mod for the taste of each individual user.✔️Make enchanted books usable in some creative way.Since 1.3, possibility to grind enchanted books (and items) into an Enchantment Catalyst to transfer it to another item.
Outside of this, i intend to update this mod regularly for balance and good ideas, so feel free to give feedback; thos will be most appreciated. (I don't have a dedicated Discord server for this mod, please use the GitHub page : Better Enchanting)
💖 Final notes
This mod is a big nerf on Librarians villager trade, this is intended. If you want to go further down that root, i recommend some villager trade balancing mods. But it's your game, do as it's the more fun for you ;) 🏳️🌈
📜 License
Copyright 2024 TheCuteFox, Apache License 2.0. Please credit if you use or distribute my work.
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